Duveyoung wrote:
> I'm a member of the mile high club, but geeze, an airplane's bathroom is not 
> your ideal chamber of delight.  How much less so in space with six type A 
> geniuses at one's elbows?

Then you don't know type A geniuses who are more prone to sexual 
exploration because they love to "throw the rules out the window."  And 
I do know some TM folks who were into "swinging" clubs (and I'm not 
talking about baseball bats).

> Compared to a private bed, propinquity sex in space has to be but a furtive 
> affair at best and a joke relative to any sexuality based on a relationship 
> with another's mind instead of their being temporarily in a unique "love 
> nest."  
> "Hey, Babe, you're here, I'm here, can I squirt yer guts on our ten minute 
> break?" -- seems tawdry.  
> But if they send up pairs that are already bonded or exploring having a 
> lifelong relationship, I'm all for sex in space.  Sex is for grownups not 
> high-ups, but in space, given the costs, I'd say it'll be awhile before a 
> lengthy tantric love session is recreationally allowed above 100 miles.

Though tantra isn't about sex there are some techniques involving it 
(and what the rubes want to learn not the rest of the stuff).  I seem to 
recall ABC had a summer series last year that was sort of "Desperate 
Housewives" in space and about these very issues about sex in space.

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