vajradhatu108 <no_re...@...> wrote:

> Mastery of yoga isn't dependent on literacy.
> Having said that, I was never a fan of Vivekananda and the other
vaishnava-protestant Hindu supremacists expounding their mythical
Vedism. Yuck.
Sounds like you've got it pretty well worked out Vaj.  That's neat.  Got
all the place settings in proper order.  I'm always interested in the
perspective from someone who has arrived.  The only question I might
have is, why, when you stepped upon a different, apparantly better path,
are you so interested in the path you've left.  Like, I have a
girlfriend I was very close with many years ago, but it didn't work out,
and I've moved on.  Yet I don't find myself spending a lot of time going
over the details of that old relationship.  It's that  living in the
present type  thing where I choose to be.  On the other hand, maybe the
present isn't as interesting as that older time.

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