> > you specifically said that Maharishi 
> > poisoned his guru...
> >
> Actually Mahesh was a *leading suspect* 
> in the poisoning of Swami Brahmananda, 
You are incorrect. Can you present any
evidence that Mahesh Yogi was a suspect
in the murder of an Indian Shankarachary? 

Please post it here so we can read it.

Actually, in the rumor spread by the Swami 
Prakashanand Saraswati, Mahesh was NOT the 
*leading suspect* - it was the Jyotirmath 
Ashram 'cook'. 

You need to keep up with these debates, 
and keep the rumors pure - stop the spin.
Apparently you can't even read Hindi!

This rumor isn't even mentioned n the 
Indian Press!

According to Prabhu Perino, probably the 
world's foremost authority on the 
'Jyotirmath succession controversy', the 
rumor that 'the cook did it' was first 
broadcast by the Prakashanad of Barsana 
You can read about this in the interview 
by Robert Kropinsky with the Swami 
Svarupanad, at the Karpatri birthday 
party at Brindaban (see my posts on 

"There's no evidence that the Swami 
Brahmananda died of 'poisoning', if 
that were so, the attending physician 
would probably have said so..." 

Read more:

Subject: The truth comes out!
Author: Pundit Moderator
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental 
alt.meditation, alt.yoga
Date: September 21, 2008

Read even more:

'The Cook Did It!' 

> that doesn't necessarily mean *he 
> actually did it*. What it says to me 
> is the even back then,
Your sources are suspect because of your 
bias against the Mahesh Yogi, Vaj. 
You're just taking the side of your 
guru, the Swami Prakashanand.

(Vaj hasn't even presented any evidence
that there was ever a 'rumor' about Guru 
Dev being 'posioned' in the first place!

This internet rumor is just made up by 
partisans like Vaj, Perino and the the 
Swami Prakashanand.) 
> among contemporaries, 
Among contemporary Indian 'clerks'? You 
are not making any sense. 

>From what I've read, the Mahesh Yogi was
one of the most accomplished 'secretaries'
in all of India at the time, who attracted
huge audiences who came to hear him speak.

In fact, this rumor is relatively recent,
and was started by Mr. Steve Perino on 
Usenet. This rumor is not even mentioned
by Paul Mason or Vidyashankar Sundersan.

The Rivalry for Jyotir Math:

> he wasn't held in the highest esteem.
You're just making stuff up, Vaj and
you're fibbing big time.

>From what I've read, the Mahesh Yogi
was the real driving force behind the
revitalization of the Jyotirmath. It
was Mahesh Yogi that got the President
of India to visit the Shankaracharya.
And it was Mahesh that organized the
entire Jyotirmath Trust.

And apparently the Mahesh Yogi even
used to substitute for the Swami
Brahmananda on speaking tours. In fact,
the Mahesh Yogi was held in very high 
esteem all over India. 

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