On Jul 9, 2010, at 11:05 AM, WillyTex wrote:

Actually, in the rumor spread by the Swami
Prakashanand Saraswati, Mahesh was NOT the
*leading suspect* - it was the Jyotirmath
Ashram 'cook'.

Not "the" leading suspect, "a leading suspect".

The point here is not whether he did it, whether he knew about it, etc. The point is he was the type of person others suspected because of either the type of person they thought he was, his proximity to the murder victim or both. It could lead you to believe that people around that time didn't think highly of him.

If you're interested, I suggest you make a critical inquiry by visiting the associated orgs and seeing if you can find anyone in the know. At this late date that may be difficult and I do doubt you're sincerely interested in hearing anything other than what you already believe.

BTW, do you know your reply field has the reply set for OffWorldBeings?

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