> > Why pay all that money and spend all that time in a hot,
> > steamy, fly-infested, daub-and-wattle hut, out in the
> > Indian jungle, just to get some 'Kama Sutra' action?
> >
> You're sounding a bit desperate Willy boy.
What happened to all the money, Joe?

> > > I recall reading a sad story about Divindra...
> > >
> > The last I heard, Davindra got kicked out of the TMO by
> > the Maharishi for having sexual relations with Judith 
> > and Jennifer, after the Yogi ran his sweaty hands all
> > over them under their saris. 
> > 
> > What in the hell was going on inside that guy Davindra's
> > head - going around with a scraggly beard, long hair, 
> > dressed in a white bed sheet, screwing all the women on 
> > TTC, and aping the Maharishi like that?
> > 
> > Why pay all that money and spend all that time in a hot, 
> > steamy, fly-infested, daub-and-wattle hut, out in the 
> > Indian jungle, just to get some 'Kama Sutra' action? 
> > 
> > And, what did the Maharishi think he was doing, promising 
> > all those young girls that they would get 'enlightened in 
> > 5-7 years', when all they really wanted to do was have 
> > a quick tumble on a straw mat and an antelope skin?
> > 
> > It just doesn't make any sense, Joe! All this going on 
> > right under your own nose - where were you, in bed too?
> > 
> > Read more:
> > 
> > Subject: Re: Brahmachari Devendra
> > From: ColdBluICE
> > Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
> > Date: October 20, 2001
> > http://tinyurl.com/37mr4bo
> > 
> > "PRANAMS AND PROSTRATIONS... walla-, OH *Shamless 
> > Withholder of Valuable Information* Please preach to us 
> > and advise why-, 'YOU withhold your Personal Worship of 
> > Hindu Gods?'
> >

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