Hahahahaa!  the love saga continues.....

From: WillyTex <willy...@yahoo.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, 13 July, 2010 7:44:21 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A question about post limits


So, it's all about Judy.

> I'm seeing it as more of an exercise in codependent
> voyeurism than anything else. He misses Judy shout-
> ing "REEEAAALLLY STOOOPID" over and over.
> After all, it can't be that she's sent him emails
> privately, because she's claimed that she's "away"
> until Friday, we all know that Judy Never Lies. 
> That's what she says, anyway. Then again, many 
> people here feel that Maharishi never lied, either. 
> Might I suggest an alternative solution? One that
> is not just a sneaky way to try to circumvent the
> posting limit?
> Next time Judy gets so emotionally attached to a 
> subject as to "post out" early, she can "take it 
> to email." That is, she can create a private email
> list in which she stays in touch with her loyal
> codependents...uh...I mean fans, and feeds them
> her devastating and brilliant putdowns. The members
> of the private email list can then post them as if
> they'd thought of these things themselves. Voila...
> problem solved.
> After all, it's not as if Judy hasn't thought of 
> this herself. She has claimed several times in the
> past that those who are...uh...less than fans do
> this all the time, and that her "enemies" privately
> email each other to exchange the best "get Judy"
> strategies. So clearly she has no problem with the
> idea in theory; after all, she thought it up.
> I can even think of a timely name for this private
> email list, "Stein Them" It's a reference to the 
> current news story about the Iranian woman who has
> been sentenced to death by stoning. In that country,
> the offending woman is buried in the dirt up to her
> neck and passersby are encouraged to throw stones
> at her until she's dead. On the "Stein Them" list, 
> lurkers and those who normally rely on Judy to come
> up with their putdowns for them can pass along *her*
> putdowns as if they were theirs, and effectively
> "Stein" the transgressors instead of stoning them.
> Much more humane.


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