True for some but not all.

Among the dashanami the "giri" line accepts non-brahmana.

--- In, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Jul 13, 2010, at 1:22 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:
> >
> >
> > I hate to say this, but when I was in India, at Jyotir Math, the
> > friend I was with, swore to me the monk baby sitting the place,
> > told him that the current Shankaracharya, forget his name, was M's
> > son! At the time, I laughed it off as a missunderstanding, but in
> > light of what I've read on FFL, I have to wonder if it's not true.
> > He, the current Shank, does resemble a younger M. What a Soap Opera
> > that would make!
> Think about it Mike: there's a huge caste problem with that theory.
> Indians are extremely caste-conscious. The second you utter your
> surname, you're "pegged". The Shankaracharya Order is extremely
> Brahmin-centric. No other castes need apply. No other castes would be
> teaching in that tradition, let alone standing as one of it's line-
> holders.

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