Just like Maharishi said, 'government is an innocent reflection of the 
collective consciousness of a nation'. 

I interpret that in terms of our federal deficit to mean that 'if we are a 
nation of people who spend more than we earn, we will have a government that 
spends more than it earns'.  

We are all to blame for the defecit, IMHO.  Of course there are some honest 
workers on this forum who don't expect benefits they haven't earned, but across 
the board Americans are in a fantasy world regarding how much effort they need 
to put forth in relation to the benefits they recieve.  That's why credit cards 
are maxed out, people buy homes they can't really afford, and loans are taken 
out for things people don't really need.  Most Americans are no different than 
the politicians they blame for everything.  The only difference is that the 
politicians are in a position where their ignorance has a more catastrophic 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_...@...> wrote:
> I just want to repeat this over and over again.  Nobody seems to be 
> listening.  Maybe the repetition will create a vibration of warning for the 
> entire forum and the country as a whole.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6569@> wrote:
> >
> > Ummm John... just now figurin' this out?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ________________________________
> > From: John <jr_esq@>
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Tue, July 13, 2010 3:00:17 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] US Federal Deficit Tops One Trillion Dollars
> > 
> >   
> > Both major parties are to blame for this financial fiasco. In the end, we 
> > as 
> > taxpayers will pay for this huge bill. If not, future generations of 
> > Americans 
> > will pay for it if the country is still existing by then.
> > 
> > http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100713/ap_on_bi_ge/us_budget_deficit
> >

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