Hi Judith,


I just read your book in one evening. You did an excellent job, and I
thought the wisdom you expressed in the final chapters wrapped things up
beautifully and elevated the whole story to a higher plane. 


Regarding the plane crash in which "June" was killed, there was a 4th person
in the plane - Ron Michlov - a dedicated young man who was close with Joe
Clark. Before the crash, Joe had called his best friend Charlie Donahue and
told him that he had something really "heavy" to tell him, but that he
wanted to tell him in person when they met at his parents' house on Cape Cod
later that month. He died before that meeting. Joe and Charlie were greatly
respected by all the initiators, and the whole movement might have unraveled
had they met. I don't know whether Maharishi consciously orchestrated the
crash, but I sometimes wonder whether "nature" sacrificed those people
(perhaps in a pre-arranged agreement as you mention is taught in the Seth
books) in order for Maharishi's mission to continue. At that point the Merv
Griffin wave hadn't hit, and the movement was still in an ascending


I think that many people will find your book liberating if they are mature
enough to imbibe its lessons. It will help them learn to think more
independently. If enough people in the movement read it and yet stay in the
movement, it may help the entire movement to grow up, shed the nonsense that
Maharishi introduced to it as he went increasingly off-course in his later
years, and experience a resurgence that may yet bring much benefit to the
world. As it is, it must be hard to introduce TM to schools, prisons, etc.,
when a brief internet search unearths the cult-like goings on of the "inner"


Tomorrow the public library here in Fairfield will get a copy.


Thanks again for your courage and honesty,






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