It would take repeated demonstrations, but it
would eventaully sink in, most likely because at
least some reputable scientists, after their
initial shock and dismay, would want to take up
the extraordinary challenge of revising science
to incorporate it.  Scientific curiosity can be
incredibly powerful, and the mechanisms of
levitation could well hold the key to all kinds
of other current scientific mysteries, possibly
even the elusive "theory of everything."

The scientists who did finally accept it would
force those who were still resistant to stop
denying physically demonstrable facts, because
to persist would make a mockery of science itself.

There would be a great deal of freaking out
along the way, including among scientists, some
of it permanent.  The freak-outs would pose the
greatest danger to levitation becoming
established fact if they sought to eliminate
the sources of their extreme anxiety and were
successful.  Or a government might seek to
suppress it from public view and classify it
for its own strategic use.

But if these pitfalls could be avoided, there's
no way it would not ultimately become accepted,
changing the world in the process.

However...I'm very skeptical that real levitation
could ever occur as long as there is the potential
for the kind of resistance and psychic disruption
I described.  I strongly suspect the world has to
change *first*.
------Personally, I believe livitation is very possible. I think however that it's at first. Extrememly painful, and especially to the gross elemental organism, but later the bliss will flow through. I honestly don't believe that the world has to change because there can be no "world change." There can only be "world catastrophy" which puts all relative phenomena into the category of positive and useful byvitue of us still being alive. A sort of "well here goes nothing" or "nothing to lose," mentality which will free us from thinking in a linear manner which keeps us grounded. 
The irony is that Purusha and MD who have worked on their sidhis for 30 years now are not hovering. The irony is not the technique being not somehow right. (Because with the proper level of coherence nothing would stand in the way of any sidhi.) Rather, the irony is that those Purusha and MD still have the same earthly and grounded vrittis which keep their minds entirely mundane and unable to control mundane phenomena.  Being still too of it they cannot be out of it.
Not that one can be out of the phenomenal realm. But rather, as you suggested Judy, the desire isn't potent enough to make it a real go. I have no doubt that someone will break through. Someone who wants to hover enough.
I resent the tone that Vaj always brings up that TM Sidhas are somehow self-serving bastards who are trying to attain the Sidhis to somehow make themselves better than others, as opposed to the initial reason many took the Sidhis in the first place which was to create coherence in the world.  I mean, everything people have been striving for in the Movement is geared towards creating world peace, but yet, somehow Vaj gets that confused. As if looking at one shadow he finds it more telling than the shadow on the other side. If only he could not be divided and see that most all spiritual aspirants are trying to make life better. And that merely feeling superior in your thinking is not the means of creating that betterment.
We have all been trying to create positive aspirations for the world for however many years now. And I think that aspiration superceeded the mere aspiration to just levitate. But here is my point. At some point that aspiration will not be needed anymore, either through positivity or negativity of the world, and at that point those who are still Sidhas can finally get their wings and move on, or over, whichever comes first.

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