> > I can't believe that anyone on FFL would 
> > be so ignorant as to think that Glenn Beck 
> > is worth anything? 
> > 
> The question is are you worth anything? What 
> is your worth? What are you doing to bring 
> goodness and decency to the world? 
Well, when you can't even afford to attend a
rally in Washington D.C., I guess you can't
contribute much of anything, money-wise, right?

It's a fact that most of the charity that goes
out in the world comes from rich people like
Warren Buffet and Bill Gates. I mean, I'm
pretty tapped out on donations since Katrina,
and Haiti, but I'm still contributing to the
United Way through my employee deduction.

But, you'd think Barry2 would have something
more worthwhile to say about Beck than to get
him mixed up with Ron Paul. Go figure.

> What acts of kindness have you done lately? 

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