right...and has very important (imo) implications for the nature of Gurudom - 
the "Satguru" - in relationship to long-held beliefs regarding the nature of 
Enlightenment. Related topics would be:
a. Adi Da and the story of Crazy Wisdom. Can "Crazy" behavior (getting drunk, 
taking drugs,... lots of fornication with married women); be rationalized as 
somehow Dharmic and therefore "Crazy" or rather really crazy.
I'd say fwiw - such behavior is "really" crazy; and this would apply to MMY's 
behavior. However, Adi Da made an issue of this, not MMY.

b. assuming people in Unity are Enlightened (in itself, not a very secure 
assumption); can we can that E'd people are incapable of Adharmic acts?  That 
is, acts on the part of such persons may have the appearance of Adharmicity, 
even criminal behavior; but their actions are "really" good for everyone?
Nope - again, strike out: imo - their actions have to be judged on the same 
basis as we would judge the behavior of ordinary folks.

c. Touchie-feelies are activing one's Kundalini (an excuse used by followers of 
Sai Baba and possibly Muktananda).
Again, pure bullshit.

d. The "Doer" argument: E'd people being Self-Realized have transcendended 
Doership and whatever acts are taking place are merely the play of unspent 
Nope - hypothetical speculation not matching reality.
I'd say the premise is wrong since the Doer is STILL a body/mind with a name.  
Need I spell it out: T-H-E M-A-H-A-R-E-E-S-H-E-E.
He was the doer of his own karma, not only manifesting actions represented by 
previously sown karma; but (like ordinary folks); creating new BAD karma along 
the say.
In general, this is a tenet of karma in the Nichiren School:
karma that is manifesting in some realm is BOTH an effect of previous "causes" 
set into motion and ALSO the source of new karma.
So, MMY set new bad karma into motion and he'll have to pay the Piper...the 
Pied Piper; since he acted in roll leading many down the wrong rabbit hole and 
drinking the toxic Kool Aid.
I can't believe people still being sucked into the trap...some accessing this 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <r...@...> wrote:
> Got the book yesterday. I spent two hours with it today reading the first
> third of the book, and an hour last night reading the last part. Last night
> I felt mad, today I feel like crying. It hurts so much to hear direct about
> the fraud that he was. Wanting to know if he should go for prime minister or
> spiritual guru. It just hurts in a very tender place that so trusted that
> man and believed in him and everything he told us. I was a trusting fool.
> Still am to some degree, I'm afraid. All the time he was screwing girls
> behind our backs, while we were so full of exalted dreams, sacrificing
> everything human to be spiritual. And he was using our hard-earned money to
> buy his lovers gold necklaces and see-through saris. 
> You know, we know this stuff about him, but when it's right there in your
> face, with his letters and his photos, and the innocence side by side ...
> sweet Jerry Jarvis, the other innocents ... all these good, misled people we
> believed in and trusted to guide us to perfection. It just brings up so much
> emotion. He didn't just betray the women he fucked with. He betrayed us all.
> Not because it's bad to have sex. Of course it isn't that. It's because he
> told us that he was a lifelong celibate, that we all should avoid
> relationships, that sex impeded spiritual development. It's because he used
> women and dumped them like whores, all the while lying to all of us about
> what is true and important and right. In a very real sense, I myself feel
> violated, seduced, raped and dumped. In the most intimate way that can
> happen - spiritually. I've got a big lump in my throat and can't deal with
> any more of that book tonight. Little bites, little bites.

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