On Sep 7, 2010, at 11:09 PM, Joe wrote:

> Whoa......Buck, Rick, Sal...somebody. Please explain what is meant by "TM 
> Movement Elderly and Detached Mother Divine and Purusha".

It's "Buck's" imagination going crazy.  Again.

> WTF????????????????

I have no idea what he's talking about~~
then again, I usually don't.  I doubt he does.
I've never heard of what he's talking about.
 I'm pretty sure there is no
"Rest Home For Broken-Down MDs and Ps Who
Have Gotten The Boot And Are Basically Screwed"
kind of thing~~I think most of us would have heard
of it.  Those are the kind of people the TMO usually
sends off to Siberia as opposed to keeping them 
around, living testimonies to the total failure
of MAV.


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