Thanks Rory. My responses to your responses below:

--- In, "RoryGoff" <roryg...@...> wrote:
> --- In, "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@> wrote:
>  As for devotion, someone said that in the midst of unity duality is created 
> for the enjoyment of experiencing devotion. That pretty well sums it up for 
> me.
> > >
> > > I don't know whether God is real to me. The term "God" is pretty 
> > > amorphous anyway, similar to discussions about what "enlightenment" 
> > > means. So I tend to focus on one deity at a time - lol. Are they real? I 
> > > don't know. They feel like it to me. On the other hand, perhaps they are 
> > > wholly created imaginings of mine, solely created for me to experience 
> > > and enjoy humility, thankfulness, gratitude,
> unconditional love, etc. Who knows?
> Nicely put, Jim. For me, this was the way beyond the rudderlessness of 
> "That-alone-is" -- 
> (1) take full responsibility for my creation as it is in this moment,

** That finally seems intuitively obvious to me - lol. This is more like an 
operating principle vs. a localized action, though frequent reminders to myself 
don't hurt :-)

> (
> 2) find the outstanding remnant-of-desire which is unhappy with my creation 
> in this moment, 

** I never thought of it before but prayer, or more specifically willful and 
pure attunement to a deity, could be seen as a response to an inner need, a 
desire to enlarge my container of consciousness in order to eventually find a 
solution to the unhappy remnant of desire. Not through control, but through 
expansion aka getting out of my own way - lol

> (3)"create" a deity to meet the needs of that desire, 

** This process is something like humming a tune I really like and then having 
a song that closely matches that come into my awareness. Nothing static as both 
my vibration and the resonance with the deity change as I change - In other 
words the deity is not always the same one. 

> (4)surrender in all honesty to the intense attention-flow, love-flow, and 
> devotion-flow between particle-me and the newly-incarnate deity-me (now far 
> more than "just" my creation), to achieve that desire.  

**Yes, the satisfaction of that desire is not always immediate, though the 
inner adjustment may be.
> (5)This attention-flow flushes out and brings into full awareness the ancient 
> programs or particles (primarily of undeservingness) in the body-mind which 
> had been creating the old status-quo reality. Once brought to full awareness, 
> they are no longer believed, and 
> (6) the new reality is embodied and experienced.
> An old friend of mine recently had an "Aha" about this process, and described 
> it as yagya! I would agree with that.

**Me too. 

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