--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marcio" <tmer1...@...> wrote:
> Excuse me ... I think he is selfish but because I think he
> does not charge anything to teach his daughter to his son ..
> or the father or the brother  .. then it's a matter of point
> of view ok?

No, not OK. First raunchydog is a she, not a he. Second, you
know nothing *whatsoever* about her, so it's ridiculous for
you to make assumptions about whether she charges family to
teach them TM. TM teachers who are still loyal to MMY don't
make the decision about what to charge for teaching. I don't
know what TMO policy is about teaching family members, and
neither do you. Nor do either of us know how much a teacher
gets to keep of the teaching fee, if anything. So your
complaints and accusations make no sense at all.

Third, if you'd been paying attention, you'd have read in
one of her recent posts that she hasn't taught *anybody*
in many years.

Fourth, none of this has anything to do with her teaching
*you* advanced techniques, as I *and* she have already
explained but you apparently didn't bother to read. I
left those paragraphs from my post in so you could read
them if you want to figure out where you're going wrong.

As I said, you're way, *way* out of line on this. You
need to apologize to raunchydog for harassing and
insulting her.

> > As to calling her "selfish" and saying she has "no
> > compassion," that's ridiculous. She explained to you
> > already why she can't teach you any advanced
> > techniques: MMY didn't assign her to teach them. Even
> > if you wanted to pay her, she couldn't teach them to
> > you. It has nothing to do with money, it has to do
> > with her commitment to follow MMY's teaching and
> > directions.
> > 
> > Plus which, no TMer who has advanced techniques is
> > supposed to be telling other people what they are.
> > Like your mantra, advanced techniques are private
> > instruction, and when you receive them, you agree to
> > keep them private. Those who have posted their
> > advanced techniques here have broken their word.
> > That's their choice, but not everybody is willing
> > to take their agreements so lightly.

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