ok my dear, sorry .. do not be angry .. not good for your soul .. What makes 
for good beyond, is to help .. This is called yama .. and I am no exmplo of 
perfection ... I am a sinner ... mistakes .. but am cristian .. and do not 
understand why not help .. but each one is walking with her own conscience ..

and understand that what I say when MMY to keep secret .. is only for people 
who do not misrepresent knowledge .. teaching the wrong things ... thus 
knowledge is lost .. I think not be a matter of sin .. banned or something ... 
something immaculate .. seems true to me because it is only paying $ 2,500 and 
any thief or bandit can learn ..

formalize my request forgiveness. rauchydog for Mrs. ... . and respect
the horizons of her conscience ..


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marcio" <tmer1306@> wrote:
> >
> > Excuse me ... I think he is selfish but because I think he
> > does not charge anything to teach his daughter to his son ..
> > or the father or the brother  .. then it's a matter of point
> > of view ok?
> No, not OK. First raunchydog is a she, not a he. Second, you
> know nothing *whatsoever* about her, so it's ridiculous for
> you to make assumptions about whether she charges family to
> teach them TM. TM teachers who are still loyal to MMY don't
> make the decision about what to charge for teaching. I don't
> know what TMO policy is about teaching family members, and
> neither do you. Nor do either of us know how much a teacher
> gets to keep of the teaching fee, if anything. So your
> complaints and accusations make no sense at all.
> Third, if you'd been paying attention, you'd have read in
> one of her recent posts that she hasn't taught *anybody*
> in many years.
> Fourth, none of this has anything to do with her teaching
> *you* advanced techniques, as I *and* she have already
> explained but you apparently didn't bother to read. I
> left those paragraphs from my post in so you could read
> them if you want to figure out where you're going wrong.
> As I said, you're way, *way* out of line on this. You
> need to apologize to raunchydog for harassing and
> insulting her.
> > > As to calling her "selfish" and saying she has "no
> > > compassion," that's ridiculous. She explained to you
> > > already why she can't teach you any advanced
> > > techniques: MMY didn't assign her to teach them. Even
> > > if you wanted to pay her, she couldn't teach them to
> > > you. It has nothing to do with money, it has to do
> > > with her commitment to follow MMY's teaching and
> > > directions.
> > > 
> > > Plus which, no TMer who has advanced techniques is
> > > supposed to be telling other people what they are.
> > > Like your mantra, advanced techniques are private
> > > instruction, and when you receive them, you agree to
> > > keep them private. Those who have posted their
> > > advanced techniques here have broken their word.
> > > That's their choice, but not everybody is willing
> > > to take their agreements so lightly.

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