That's a reasonable start turquoiseb - You answered that question of mine. The 
next one might be easier.

I promise you will feel better about me, yourself, and the forum here if you 
just joined in. Snarling at me and continuing to sulk here just doesn't seem 
much fun. Just an observation :-) 

--- In, "TurquoiseB" <turquoi...@...> wrote:
> --- In, "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@> wrote:
> >
> > You said, "This reminded me of...the recent Pile On Vaj fest. 
> > Some people...declared him "not a real TM practitioner" because 
> > some of his descriptions of the practice deviated from the TM 
> > catechism..." 
> > 
> > Hey turquoiseb, this is great evidence of two people experiencing 
> > the same thing, and seeing it completely differently.
> > 
> > I have been asking Vaj, and you too, for clarification regarding 
> > your writing here on FFL. Rather than respond, you now recast 
> > this as some sort of attack by me and others. I find this peculiar. 
> > Why not just answer the questions as asked and get on with your 
> > life...?
> Because I owe you nothing. Nada. Bupkus.
> And certainly not an answer, just because you 
> ask a question. Get over yourself.

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