On 01/07/2011 07:51 PM, whynotnow7 wrote:
> I began composing this song about a month ago at Sea Cliff beach, a twenty 
> minute drive from my house, (my wife was having her granddaughter over, who I 
> dearly love, but the weather was good, so with her blessings I headed for the 
> beach...) about five miles south of Santa Cruz, two miles south of Capitola.
> The weather was clear and 72. I set up a folding chair and a bottle of wine 
> on the sand in front of the breakers and just took it all in, the birds, the 
> waves, the sky, the cement boat, the distant curve of Monterey Bay, for 
> several hours. Then I wrote this:
> http://www.box.net/shared/iettfsrisr

Nice. Given the tempo and rhythm I'm more reminded of a drive down the 
coast.  Maybe a couple of young folks in a sports car on a search for 
something.  But that's just my film soundtrack way of looking at 
things.  We sure haven't had 72 degree weather in a while and that which 
we've had since the beginning of November has been sparing leading to a 
longer set of higher heating bills than normal.  I think the ice age 
that the Berkeley folks predicted who did the study for the Pentagon has 

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