Wow, your psychic abilities are underwheming to say the least. To wit:

"All of these people...are angry with you. They are insanely jealous..."

Uh dude....I count Judy as the only one having this conversation with Joe, and 
she is clearly *not* angry with him. From your perspective, anyone who 
challenges anything you say is deranged, angry, self-important, a vampire, 
"special", etc, etc, etc. 

The rest of us, as adults, are just sharing our thoughts on a forum. That's it. 
Finito. End of story. Why you and some others here are trying to enforce rules 
about who can respond to who here and how, is strange at best, and has a 
decidedly antisocial tinge to it.

I personally invite you to join in! :-)

--- In, "TurquoiseB" <turquoiseb@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Joe" <geezerfreak@> wrote:
> >
> > Nope, that wasn't my mind set then or now. I did it for me. 
> > If anyone else thought it was funny, great. I never expected 
> > everyone, or even a majority to join in. Anyone who was on 
> > those courses knows that there were those who tried to 
> > completely shut out the outside world and there were those 
> > who did not.
> > 
> > I had a little posse that I could discuss current music and 
> > film with during the years I was there. Naturally, those 
> > people found humor in this. Some others didn't. It wasn't 
> > a big deal at the time.
> > 
> > As I first said, I consider this one of the my fondest 
> > memories of my time there, certainly not one of the worst 
> > because not enough people laughed.
> Joe, all these people are just trying to get to 
> you and make you respond to them. Attention
> vampires, the lot of them.
> None of them would know funny if it walked up
> and bit them on the ass, and none of them have
> *ever* had the balls to do anything like you 
> did. That's why they're angry at you. They 
> felt compelled to follow the rules and be good 
> little TMers and never make waves, and they're 
> insanely jealous of anyone who didn't do that, 
> and worse, got away with it.

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