Actually, for what it's worth, I heartily second Vaj's recommendation to read 
"Robes of Silk, Feet of Clay." It's warm, loving, heartfelt and authentic, and 
if processed with loving attention, could go a long way toward healing some of 
the dysfunction and denial which has been in the TMO from the beginning.

--- In, "danfriedman2002" <danfriedman2002@...> 
> Thanks for the advise on my reading list. Currently I'm reading "Culture and 
> Consciousness", published by Associated University Press London in 2002.
> Briefly, the thesis is : art and literature are said to have suggestive power 
> to shift awareness from the qualia or content of the mind toward a state of 
> nonconceptuality, which constitutes the ontological ground of true 
> intersubjectivity (the process of relating to the other. 0
> Succently: "People are different, but nonseparate."
> --- In, "WillyTex" <willytex@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > Vaj:
> > > Dan, have you seen the Maharishi-centered documentary 
> > > David Wants to Fly or read Robes of Silk, Feet of 
> > > Clay? The latter is on sale. Maybe these would help 
> > > understand more clearly?
> > >
> > Dan, don't waste any time or money on anything these
> > two, Joe and Vaj, are trying to sell you! They are
> > ripoffs - not worth your time or money. They've been
> > doing this for years - selling nonsense words for money. 
> > 
> > Joe got me to buy Judith's book for $37.50 and it sucks 
> > big time. The book contains only 219 pages and a few 
> > lousy, blurred photos. There is nothing in this book that 
> > tells us anything about the Maharishi's private sex life.
> > 
> > From what I've read, Judith used to sneak into the Mahesh 
> > Yogi's bedroom late at night when Jemima Pittman was 
> > asleep next door and Nanakishore was napping in the 
> > living room. Apparently Judith crawled in the back window.
> > 
> > When she got inside the bedroom she would kneel down on 
> > her knees and light a candle and incense in front of a 
> > photo of SBS and then give the Mahesh Yogi a back rub,
> > while the yogi was asleep on the floor on his antelope 
> > skin. Go figure.
> > 
> > Maybe Judith was reading the Kama Sutra - I don't know,
> > but it sounds like it to me.
> > 
> > Fact is you can't buy condoms in Rishikesh so you can 
> > not have normal sex activities (like having the guy on 
> > top, thrusting). And I doubt Judith took a big supply of 
> > rubbers with her to India! 
> > 
> > If she did not, then I'd have to say she really did 
> > some 'family' planning! Maybe she was hoping to give 
> > birth to a little Srivastava, so she could take over the 
> > TM Movement. Sounds like it to me.
> > 
> > But the Mahesh Yogi was to smart for that - no way would 
> > he have unprotected sexual intercourse with a big gal
> > like that without a bathroom and without some hot running
> > water! I guess Judith brought with her a box of Kleenex
> > or at least a spare, blue sari.
> > 
> > Go figure.
> >

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