Yeah, I'll be the second heretic - I didn't care for Avatar much - a few 
amazing special effects, unimaginative story and just...too...long. :-)

--- In, Sal Sunshine <salsunshine@...> wrote:
> On Jan 25, 2011, at 1:09 PM, whynotnow7 wrote:
> >  saw one of the large 3D home sets at Costco and once I put on the glasses, 
> > the 3D effect was so minimal it was not worth it. Also the two images would 
> > get ever so slightly out of sync. A very expensive gimmick. Very 3D one dot 
> > ohh. :-)
> Interesting.
> During my last 3D movie, (actually my *only* 3D
> in quite a while) since I couldn't bring myself to 
> focus on the plot (Avatar~~I know, everybody 
> else loved it) I amused myself by taking the
> glasses on and off and to see the difference.
> Frankly, I hope it goes the way of the rotary
> dial phone so movies can (possibly) get back
> to what made them so great in the first place:
> compelling stories and solid acting.  Is that 
> asking so much, really?
> Sal

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