On 01/27/2011 10:55 AM, John wrote:
> The ideal is to have a sustainable population growth.  China has drastically 
> cut its population growth which may be a detriment in the future.  Due to the 
> population decrease, they may not have enough young people to take over their 
> booming economy and to care for their aging population.

They only need to put their collective heads together to solve that 
problem.  If your population is decreasing you probably no long *need* a 
booming economy.  Sounds like a leisure economy for them is the way to 
go (as well as the rest of the world).  An article that I posted a link 
to here last year mentioned that the today's 20 somethings pretty much 
would rather be poorer and have more free time.  That's encouraging.  I 
mean who needs a monster home if you're not planning to have kids?

In a global society to become a Level One society we need some dramatic 
paradigm shifts.  The battle is over who gets to determine those.

> This same scenario can be said for Japan, and European countries like Sweden 
> and France.
> Nonetheless, it is true that many poor countries are increasing more rapidly 
> in population than the more affluent countries.  In these countries, it would 
> be appropriate to curb the growth to sustain its economy, population and 
> style of living.

Usually the it's the better educated that have small families or no kids 
at all.  It's usually the poorly educated that churn out kids like 
they're cute puppies.  So you have to raise the educational levels plus 
provide a safety net so that people also don't have large families for 
the traditional reason that a least one kid will survive to take care of 
them in old age.  BTW, the fundies hate population control and want to 
churn more dummies in their own image.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "PaliGap"<compost1uk@...>  wrote:
>> "Gro Harlem Brundtland, the UN Chair for the World
>> Commission on Environment and Development, worries
>> that population growth is a "ticking time bomb" and
>> that "we may soon be facing a new famine on a scale
>> dwarfing even Malthus's most pessimistic predictions".
>> Gro Harlem Brundtland has FOUR children.
>> Brundtland's views were heavily influenced by her
>> father who went to America on a Rockefeller
>> scholarship, according to the UN. At the age of seven
>> she was enrolled in the Children's section of the
>> Norwegian Labour Movement.
>> Al Gore says that Third World nations are producing
>> too many children too fast and that it's time to cut
>> out-of-control population growth, which is driving
>> global warming.
>> Al Gore has FOUR children.
>> James Lovelock believes that we are headed for global
>> catastrophe because of overpopulation and that Malthus
>> was right to say that "overpopulation would ruin us all"
>> Lovelock has FOUR children
>> Ted Turner believes that overpopulation is the world's
>> number one problem and has said that a Chinese style
>> one-child policy should be enforced.
>> Turner has FIVE children.
>> David Suzuki has argued that when it comes to
>> population "there' s got to be limits" and he fears "a
>> big human die-off" because of overpopulation and
>> overconsumption.
>> David Suzuki has FIVE children.
>> David Guillabaud of the Optimum Population Trust wants
>> all women to be injected with a semi-permanent birth
>> control vaccine when they hit puberty, to help control
>> the population.
>> Guillebaud has THREE children.
>> All of these people are wealthy members of society
>> whose children will require resouces and land to enjoy
>> themselves. Thank you for not breeding."
>> http://hauntingthelibrary.wordpress.com/2011/01/27/thank
>> -you-for-not-breeding-green-hypocrisy/
>> (Still, they can't exactly take their kids back, can
>> they!)

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