Yes; many thanks! This evokes several other good points for me -- (1) "dying" 
is indeed simply transcendence, as we lift the finger of our awareness out of 
one density of Us to surrender into and remember another simpler, pre-existent 
(2) The "void" is not empty but emptiful; it is shining with the infinite light 
of self-awareness;
(3) The meaning of everything is in our own simple Being;
(4) That Love is the binding force of our Self-knowledge;
(5) the end of one cycle is always the beginning of another :-)

--- In, "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@...> wrote:
> or put another way ;-) :
> Turn off your mind, relax
> and float down stream
> It is not dying
> It is not dying
> Lay down all thought
> Surrender to the void
> It is shining
> It is shining
> That you may see
> The meaning of within
> It is being
> It is being
> That love is all
> And love is everyone
> It is knowing
> It is knowing
> That ignorance and hate
> May mourn the dead
> It is believing
> It is believing
> But listen to the
> color of your dreams
> It is not living
> It is not living
> Or play the game of 
> existence to the end
> Of the beginning
> Of the beginning
> Of the beginning
> Of the beginning
> Of the beginning
> Of the beginning 
> --- In, "mleroygoffiv" <rorygoff@> wrote:
> >
> > * * * Beautiful, many thanks! 
> > 
> > I love those first few lines: "When I get to the bottom 
> > > I go back to the top of the slide 
> > > Where I stop and turn 
> > > and I go for a ride 
> > > Till I get to the bottom and I see you again" -- 
> > 
> > That really evokes our "progress" around and through the 
> > black-hole/white-hole torus of awareness :-)
> > 
> > --- In, blusc0ut <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Thanks Rory for sharing your 'map'. That jigsaw nature of the puzzle, 
> > > also called, The Rise and Fall of the wave in the ocean', reminds me of 
> > > these poetic verses of our favorate sing-songwriter:
> > > 
> > > 
> > > When I get to the bottom 
> > > I go back to the top of the slide 
> > > Where I stop and turn 
> > > and I go for a ride 
> > > Till I get to the bottom and I see you again 
> > > Yeah, yeah, yeah 
> > > Do you don't you want me to love you 
> > > I'm coming down fast but I'm miles above you 
> > > Tell me tell me come on tell me the answer 
> > > and you may be a lover but you ain't no dancer 
> > > 
> > > I will you won't you want me to make you 
> > > I'm coming down fast but don't let me break you 
> > > Tell me tell me tell me the answer 
> > > You may be a lover but you ain't no dancer 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In, "RoryGoff" <rorygoff@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > --- In, "RoryGoff" <rorygoff@> wrote:
> > > > > * * * Experientially, though, it is quite correct; that is, it 
> > > > > describes a legitimate aspect of Awakening, in which one feels 
> > > > > gut-deep as if one has lost one's old I-point; the separate wave has 
> > > > > utterly dissolved into the ocean. When one looks inside immediately 
> > > > > after Awakening, there is Nothing there. No center, no self, no 
> > > > > private I-ness. Eventually one rummages around and produces the 
> > > > > remnants of an I and puts it on, like an old wrinkled shirt, so we 
> > > > > can continue the drama, but never again "are" we that I, not in any 
> > > > > conventional sense of the word, anyhow. And that I is now or soon 
> > > > > appreciated as a charming collapse of the Whole, containing the Whole 
> > > > > together with all of its particles or "other" I's.
> > > > >
> > > > Here is how I interpret this "No-self" experience: The so-called states 
> > > > of TC, CC, GC, and UC describe an ever-closer approach between Purusha 
> > > > and Prakriti, or the Absolute and the Relative, or Father Spirit and 
> > > > Mother Matter. Kundalini, both from below and from above, acts as a 
> > > > kind of more-or-less constant conductor or tunneler to effect their 
> > > > approach and eventual marriage.
> > > > 
> > > > Using a "Cosmic Body" as a map of their progress, we can posit that 
> > > > Transcendental Consciousness (TC) activates the Crown Chakra (Shiva; 
> > > > Purusha) and the Foot Chakra (Shakti; Prakriti); Cosmic Consciousness 
> > > > (CC) moves down into the Brow (Witness) and up into the Base (Organs of 
> > > > action; Physical plane) to effect a witnessing of activity; 
> > > > God-Consciousness (GC) moves down into the Throat (Space; bliss) and up 
> > > > into the Sex (Senses; Astral-emotional) to structure blissful senses 
> > > > and subtle-body experiences; and Unity Consciousness (UC) moves down 
> > > > into the Heart (Buddhic intuition; finest feeling) and up into the 
> > > > Navel (Manas or animal mind) to move beyond the senses into an 
> > > > intuitive grasp of One-ness. 
> > > > 
> > > > What has intermediated between these poles of Absolute and Relative, 
> > > > both binding them in a relationship and yet keeping them apart, is the 
> > > > I AM, the Soul or the Mind, the separate Ego. As these poles approach 
> > > > each other, the intermediary Soul "shrinks" until it occupies only our 
> > > > Sacred Heart or Solar Plexus point. At this moment, the Soul becomes 
> > > > Self-aware; we merge with our golden Soul as our own Solar Angel, and 
> > > > find ourselves at the paradise-center of the universe, in a place of 
> > > > utter love and at-homeness, beyond spacetime -- what could be called 
> > > > the culmination of UC, or the beginnings of Brahman. 
> > > > 
> > > > But the marriage is not yet complete, and soon after this Soul-merge, 
> > > > our Father-Spirit and Mother-Matter actually meet and overlap across 
> > > > our Solar-Plexus or Sacred Heart, and this eclipses our Soul or 
> > > > separate Self, which is no longer required as an intermediary between 
> > > > Spirit and Matter. The result could variously be called Nirvana -- the 
> > > > blowing out of the candle -- or Awakening into the direct Understanding 
> > > > of the the emptiful paradox of Brahman, or the Crucifixion of our Inner 
> > > > Christ, depending upon our framework.
> > > > 
> > > > Beyond this point, there are a number of additional stages as 
> > > > Father-Spirit and Mother-Matter overlap more and more, expanding from 
> > > > the Solar Plexus both upward and downward to reactivate all the chakras 
> > > > again, only now in terms of Us, of Wholeness. We might call these 
> > > > various stages Krishna-I and -II (the fip-sides of UC and GC) and 
> > > > Shiva-I and -II (the flip-sides of CC and TC). 
> > > > 
> > > > But this is only a map, not the multidimensional reality of Us; and 
> > > > even on its own terms it is not really or necessarily a linear sequence 
> > > > but more of a jigsaw puzzle, and we all may experience any or all of 
> > > > its pieces or aspects essentially in any order we wish -- or none of 
> > > > the above, if we prefer.
> > > >
> > >
> >

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