On Jan 28, 2011, at 9:10 PM, emptybill wrote:

> Mira was always ready to claim hidden awakenings in the Inconscient due to 
> her yogic powers.  In reality she seems to have been a ex-theosophist, turned 
> shakti servant of Aurobindo, who was the real Yogin. Although she seemed to 
> have some actual psychic powers, that seems to be the core of her power.
> It was Aurobindo who identified her as an amsha of Shakti so that his 
> disciples would have another doorway. However I believe that he was the real 
> doorway to Maha-Shakti, since Mira only came later.
I was never overwhelmed with Aurobindo. He was one of the first western and 
Protestant-inspired vaishanavites IMO. They love their institutions, don't 
they? It was appealing to a certain cross-segment of society. Brahmins and 
their underlings.
> Please note that neither were successful in the TÖgal sense of transformation 
> of the physical body.
Since even in Sri Vidya and other Hindu anuttara-tantra level sadhanas we 
result in a tantric-level ceasing of the mayaic form-body, you could easily say 
they not only failed to realize maha-sandhi levels of realization, they also 
missed the annutara Hindu level (such adepts are often described as simply 

If you can't go "offline" as a mere form-body, I wouldn't expect you to even 
come close to body of light realizations - and I don't mean that just 

I've read most of the English-translated Aurobindo and I've never read anything 
even remotely associated with what I'd consider the spontaneous "vision" of 

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