--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wayback71" <wayback71@> wrote:
> Whoever wrote that speech did a fine job. Did you see the movie?
> >
> I did see the movie.  And I think the problem for me was that it came
> with such high expectations.  I heard such good things about it, and
> although  I found it to be enjoyable, I also found it rather dull.  Two
> hours about a "stammer". 

My hope is that The Social Network wins the Oscar for best film - a real 
achievement to make a film about the internet so engrossing.  From the opening 
scene I felt as if I could not leave the world of that movie - it sucks you in. 
But I think Colin Firth deserves Best Actor.  I  found it difficult to listen 
to him struggle so for the 2 hours of the film. A hard role to do well enough 
that people will stay put and listen and watch as you try to speak. The movie 
had a very slow pace.  But I enjoyed the inside view of royal life during that 
time and his relationship with his therapist.

 I also found the audience response to be
> rather rote and predictable.  Not that this matters, but the audience
> seemed to have an element of "herd mentality" in how they responded to
> some parts of the film.  But I relate to what you are saying.  WWII
> seemed to be a turning point for everything,  bringing into focus the
> best and worst of us.  And that is also seen in the speeches by leaders
> at that time.

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