--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wayback71" <wayback71@...> wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> Somebody's likely to jump in and say it means we can
> claim that we're not responsible for what we do and
> think, but it's just the opposite.
> In the end, all this is just mucking around in the Relative
> which, from what I have experienced, is really an auto-pilot
> situation.  It all happens by itself, it just feels as if we
> are doing it.  So we take responsibility for what we do and
> say, and then we see that the gunas are to "blame" and there
> is no one there to be responsible,  and then we are still
> somehow responsible since we are on the planet and acting
> and part of humanity.  You know what, it's late and I am
> rambling.

Superb ramble, including what I snipped. That's exactly it,
here we are, we can't not be responsible as long as we're
playing the game. I couldn't figure out quite how to 
articulate that, but you finished it off beautifully.

(I wish there were a good way to talk about this stuff
without anthropomorphizing Nature and the gunas. Using
scare quotes is about the best we can do, I guess. MMY,
when he was dealing in abstractions, would sometimes
put them in more concrete terms but stick "as if" in
front of them--in this case, "we see that the gunas are
as if to blame." Amounts to the same thing as scare
quotes, but I suspect sometimes we missed the "as if"
part and took the concrete terms literally.)

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