On 02/15/2011 12:01 PM, WillyTex wrote:
>>>>> With my plan, which is to create good paying
>>>>> jobs for everyone, people would pay next to
>>>>> zero income tax, and what they pay would be a
>>>>> flat tax that is equal and fair for everyone.
>>>> So you advocate a social jobs program like FDR had?
>>> No, free enterprise system.
> Bhairitu:
>> That's really worked well hasn't it?<guffaw!>
> You are not making any sense - the ONLY workable
> economic system is the free enterprise system! Do
> you have another solution to insure individual
> capital gains? If so, what is it?
>> I hope all you whiners that think people are lazy
>> find yourselves laid off or YOUR pensions cut.
> So, that's your solution - cut the pensions of all
> the public workers and cut the Social Security of
> all the retired workers?
>>> Why won't you pay your fair share of federal
>>> income tax? You probably get an income tax
>>> refund...
>> Sure after deduction I get a refund but not for
>> the entire amount...
> Refund from what? If you don't make enough to pay
> your share of the flat income tax, why should you
> get a refund when others have to pay? The U.S.
> Constitution guarantees equality under the law.
> Have you thought this through, because none of what
> you said is even being considered by your elected
> leaders to contain federal spending. Go figure.

I wonder why you continue to make an absolute fool of yourself on FFL.  
You're not even funny so we should fire you as the "court jester."  If 
you are absolutely serious about what you say maybe you need a CAT scan 
because something is eating your brain.

Either that or maybe you should move to Vallejo since it is your kind of 
town.  Just stay away from my community across the Strait.

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