--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "yifuxero" <yifuxero@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > I don't see Maharishi as a charlatan, because that
> > word to me connotes "conscious awareness of deceit."
> > My honest impression of Maharishi is that he did not
> > have the ability to self-assess, and thus determine
> > that he was *possibly* being deceitful. 
> > 
> > My assessment of him is that he just acted, assuming
> > that it would be correct. Lying would be just as 
> > natural to him as telling the truth, because both
> > would be spontaneous, and thus (in his view), the
> > will of Nature or the three gunas or whatever. 
> > 
> > I don't happen to agree with his view. I think that
> > his actions were completely the result of his own
> > decisions and his own will, not "Nature's" or "the 
> > three gunas'," and that he bears all the responsi-
> > bility for the results of those actions.
> thx, I fully agree.
> On the Gunas doing actions (and not some Guru); the 
> error in such Marshy-talk would be that:
> (a) since the Self - unmanifest aspect of Brahman - 
> is not a "Doer", being transcendental to cause and 
> effect, then
> (b) the doer must be the Gunas, (but!):
> (c) The conventional body-mind of the Guru in question 
> is composed of the Gunas interacting with the elements 
> and components of what makes up a conventional person, 
> will being one such component along the the organs of 
> action.
> (d) Since MMY's body-mind along with will is an expression 
> of the Gunas, if we say "The Gunas did it", that includes 
> the Guru's body-mind (being composed of the Gunas).
> (e) as a result of the above, we are left trying to figure 
> out "which" Gunas along with a will performed the actions; 
> (clearly an impossible task since this is an example of 
> "karma is unfathomable"); and there is no distinct boundary 
> between the actions of a person and the environment in the 
> holographic model.
> (f) the net result - back to square one in finding out the 
> "who" of actions, in which case we must resort to common 
> sense, the available tools of science, and decision making 
> without the excess baggage of Advaita and Neo-A which does 
> nothing whatsoever to enhance our knowledge of responsibility 
> and doership.
> (g) there's no evidence that wrt the question of "who" done-
> it and responsibility; that adding the model of Advaita makes 
> any difference in answering such questions.

On another level altogether, I've been having fun
lately with the belief held by some here that all
action is "really" performed by the three gunas,
and that they are mere passive, "non-doing" puppets
of the three gunas, who are the real "doers."

What believing in this means, if you cut to the 
bottom line, is that the people who believe it are
asserting that they are not the real authors of 
their own posts to Fairfield Life. Each and every 
post they write are written NOT by them, but by the 
three gunas. Furthermore, since they tend to assert 
that those of use who believe in free will are 
mistaken, and that *our* actions are similarly all 
"really" performed by the three gunas, they logically 
would have to admit that ALL posts written to FFL are
"really" written by the three gunas.

Think about that. 

That would mean that all of Nabby's rants are really
authored by Nature, in the form of the three gunas.
So are all of Judy's, even the ones she gets upset
when people don't pay enough attention to, and 
compliment her for.  :-)

The kicker, though, is that all of MY posts are thus
*also* written by the three gunas. All of Vaj's and 
Sal's and Joe's posts -- the very ones criticized 
and "corrected" and their authors consistently 
demonized by the two posters above -- are written
*by the same three guys who write the demonizers' 

Talk about karma being unfathomable...it seems to
me that for the people who believe in this Advaitan
nonsense the actions of the three gunas are even
*more* unfathomable. They would have us believe
that the three gunas write shit here as Turq and
Vaj and Sal and Joe, but *then* feel the need to
refute and "correct" the things they've just written
by writing stinging rebuttals that insult...uh...

The three gunas write A, "through" Turq and Vaj and
Sal and Joe, and then they completely reverse them-
selves and dump on A and assert Z, "through" Judy
and Nabby and Jim and others. 

Go figure. I mean...go fucking figure.  :-)

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