The stresses MMY talks about are akin to the 7 deadly sins which prevent the 
serpent fire to rise up the spine. Until a modicum of Self-Control is obtained 
the ultimate Reality of life will remain a mystery to you.

Initially we coddle our lower nature, (lust, anger, greed/gluttony) but after 
starting TM, these "sleeping elephants" start becoming  a recognizable obstacle 
to us on our path, and must be dealt with once and for all, this is ARMAGEDDON!

The Bhagavad Gita is about this Armageddon between the lower nature/vices 
(Kurus),  and the higher nature/virtues (Pandavas). Some day we all must fight 
this 'war', and some day we all must win it!!   Ohhhh, Enjoy!  (A few things 
MMY didn't tell you)!

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