First off "Inside Job" is available today on disc only.  Good test to 
see if it would be sent or not since I put it in my queue last fall I 
believe even before it left local theaters.  Nope.  My hunch is it goes 
first to the folks who put it in their queue early AND have a higher 
priced package like the 3 out (I just have the 1 out).  However if I 
want to see it on DVD it is at local Redbox kiosks (check yours if you 
don't want to wait).  DVD only though.
(Probably on Vudu too).

I probably know most of the stuff (and more) that is covered in "Inside 
Job" so it is more important for people who don't know to watch it and 
wake the fuck up!  How much longer are we going to allow these robber 
barons to continue their bank holdups!

Also the independent film sci-fi film "Monsters" is available both WI 
and disc on Netflix.  I highly recommend this film though it is more a 
people story than a sci-fi thriller. I may put it in my disc queue to 
hear the commentary.  I watched it last year when it was in theaters on 

Last night I watched "Good" which is an obscure period piece film with 
Vitto Mortensen about a college professor who during the 1930s in 
Germany writes a novel about euthanasia and winds up being courted by 
the Nazis.  It's really about how someone has to compromise when an 
insane government is in control.  Jason Isaac costars as his 
psychiatrist buddy.  I have some ideas why we never heard of this film 
because there are scenes that might remind you of modern day America.

As a postscript I'm beginning to think that AT&T is playing games with 
my DSL not liking the bandwidth I'm using for Netflix.  I often have to 
reset the modem/router to get it back up to my 6 mbps (actually 5 mbps) 
speed.  Yesterday it was clear down to less than 1 mbps.   And if it 
goes back up to 5 mbps with a reset it ain't my house wiring.  Actually 
it may not be Netflix but the fact I still have a POTS line which now 
costs me more than the DSL.  I've heard they want to get rid of the POTS 
lines and use VOIP only.  I would be more likely to drop the phone line 

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