interesting! ...but doesn't resolve questions pertaining to suffering. 

--- In, "rwr" <dick.richardson@...> wrote:
> Determined Destiny or Not
> Lord Phoenix
> The part of your experience regarding the baby, from your description of
> it, certainly sounds like it can be categorised as an OBE.  However,
> there is far more to all the things which you say there than just that
> isn't there. Personally I do not feel that what you are experiencing
> there has got anything to do with being invaded by some other being,
> just other facets and potentials of your self in your own BECOMING and
> unfolding process. Personal evolution; by way of learning and
> understanding by way of direct experience. Archetypes in action.
> However, the really big question which you are raising here is as to
> Determined or NOT, isn't it. Or even PRE-determined. This IS a knotty
> old problem isn't it.
> Let us first just take us here on this world in temporal consciousness.
> IF I stick my hand in the fire then doing that is going to have
> consequences isn't it. Not very nice ones in this case. Prior to my hand
> going in a fire I had heard that doing this was not a good idea. But I
> did not KNOW what it was like until my hand did get caught up in fire. 
> True enough, NOT NICE, and best avoided. So, you tell your kids to keep
> away from the fire. Good advice. Sit by it but don't get IN IT :- )
> So, is BURNING pre-determined?  It is certainly the effect of getting in
> the fire isn't it. Have you ever known anybody get in the fire and have
> no nasty effects from having done so?  I haven't. So, cause and effect.
> And we learn to keep out of the fire, and we learn not to build cities
> on tectonic fault lines, on top of active volcanoes, or in flood plains,
> don't we. Well, eventually maybe. But causal events of this nature DOES
> NOT mean that SOMEBODY determined it.
> However, what about these other TWO factors of our being?  The Totally
> Transcendent bit and the BRIDGE bit in the middle?
> How did that Transcendent bit (the bit in that eternal paradisiacal
> condition) ever arise there? The experience of it is that one just
> bubbled up out of the stuff which exists there, and one can see that
> stuff whilst there. It is all around one. But one CANNOT see ones self,
> or the SELF. The STUFF is just like a vast NEBULA of - - STUFF :- )  But
> in and among this STUFF is ME – I AM. It is AXIOMATIC. IT (me, I AM)
> does NOT know how it got there. This is way I categorical assert that
> there will ALWAYS be MYSTERY.
> I know well enough how I got there (the little me here), for I went
> there and RE-UNITED with my SELF. I can also describe the journey to it
> just fine. However, how did I AM get there?  I DON'T KNOW. It just
> always is and was – according to the experience. There is no time
> and change there. If there is no time and change there then how could IT
> pop up there?  Before existing there there is no BEFORE or AFTER. The I
> AM KNOWS what it knows, and no more. It knows what it knows by way of
> cognitively existing.
> Is the existence of I AM pre-determined? Huh ! I would say that it is
> the effect of what that STUFF does. But the only consciousness in that
> mode of being and that realm, IS ME.  I AM. There is no other KNOWN. But
> what about unconscious STUFF?  The place is full of it. What is it? It
> is not MADE, it is not brought forth by some other causation. So, all I
> can say is that it is the POTENTIAL. The primordial STUFF. However, and
> all this is really rather piffling to what one finds later.
> In this world there is so much unconscious stuff isn't there, lava,
> rocks, stones and pebbles, and so much more. Yet, what I found in the
> Consummatum Incarnate is also found in ALL that stuff. Chew the bones
> out of that one :- )
> So, what the frigging hell is it?  It is NO THING MADE.  And yet it is
> what makes life worth living – it is the THOU of the I – THOU
> equation. The OBSERVED of the OBSERVER. The dancing partner.  Without
> THOU what the hell is existing worth? NOTHING!
> In the Paradesium of Eternity it is exactly THE SAME as it is here. The
> I (I AM) and that which it IS NOT. It is a oneness in and of a dualistic
> dance. The I AM is NOT in love with itself – for that is not love.
> Love is ALWAYS – I and Thou.  What is the I AM in love with?  Not
> easy to answer that one. But it is not really IN love with anything, IT
> IS LOVE. It loves BEING. It is not in love with its environment, the
> place and the stuff there, even though that is all wonderful. But I AM
> – LOVE.
> So, how the hell did all this get there?  I don't know :- )  I am a
> pragmatist. IT IS THERE. That I KNOW.  How it got there I DON'T know. I
> could say who the hell cares, I don't. And there is NO way of finding
> out. Hence there will ALWAYS be mystery.
> However, none of all this even mentions the MIDDLE part. That, to me, is
> the biggest MYSTERY of all this stuff. The bit that joins Eternity to
> Earth; or Eternity to Time and Changing events. But I am not going into
> any of that here.
> So, cause and effect, what is determined and what isn't. Some effects
> are plainly determined by way of what stuff IS and what it does and the
> potentials which it has.  But then comes this bit about my having the
> power/potential to make some choices and do things of my own volition.
> Is there a dichotomy here?  No, absolutely not. It is but a part of the
> whole system. Some things I can choose to do, and then do them, and
> something I cant.  I see no problem, dichotomy or contradiction AT ALL. 
> What is more, and combining all the things which I have found, then
> Life, Existing, Being, would all be a huge waste of time, space and
> energy if I could not be FREE ! The SEED allows the BECOMING to UNFOLD.
> So, I AM BEING and I am also BECOMING. I find it all to be good. I love
> it.  And FREEDOM !  Freedom from that divine sublime Eternity. I AM NOW
> FREE.  Well, for little while anyway :- )  But is sure seems to be
> determined that I do not stay here for ever. And what is more I don't
> want to stay here for ever more. So no problem. Grab the day. But as for
> KNOWING and understanding then I know and understand almost ZILCH.  But
> the gnostics and buddhists know it all :- )  So go and ask them :- )  Oh
> what PATHETIC WANKERS and great pretenders! They have not even left the
> cot yet.
> Oh by the way Lord Phoenix sir, this is FREEWARE, so feel free to share
> it with the gnostics and buddhists groups :- ) they all ban me :- )
> Dick Richardson.

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