On Mon, 4/4/11, Chakrapani Ullal <chakrap...@vedicastrology.com> wrote:

From: Chakrapani Ullal <chakrap...@vedicastrology.com>
Subject: Chakrapani's Additional Thoughts About the New Year
To: carubi...@yahoo.com
Date: Monday, April 4, 2011, 12:19 PM

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In answer to your questions, the following are some thoughts about the Vedic 
New Year, 2011...




As you may know, the Vedic New Year begins on the first day of spring when the 
Moon and the Sun are together, (of equal degrees) in Pisces, the particular day 
varying from year to year. This year that day is April 4, New Year's Day, or 
Shukla Paksha Pratipada.  Shukla Paksha Pratipada, or a few days thereafter is 
considered the most auspicious time to commence new projects or undertakings. 
Any new venture will be in harmony with the flow of nature and will benefit 
from the enormous thrust of energy accompanying the start of a new year.  It is 
also a wonderful time to "clean house", literally and figuratively.


Dating back to antiquity, each New Year has been assigned a Sanskrit name to 
describe the over-riding theme or purpose of the year.  The Vedic calendar 
year, March 2011 to March 2012 is called Khara, which, roughly translated means 
"unpalatable".  This suggests a challenging year ahead, (and also one of 
enormous opportunities for growth).  Real progress always comes through change, 
which can often be a bitter pill to take.


My best wishes to you all...when enjoying times of relative ease, as well as 
when facing difficulty and hardship.  In truth, even though we all have some 
resistance to the difficult times, the greatest blessings in life are the 
challenges, which bring us the opportunity to grow.  Despite our differences, 
we are all on the same path of growth aimed towards ever-greater perfection.  
However that path may twist and turn, we know it is for our greater good and 
our growing wisdom of life.  That wisdom, that understanding of one's purpose 
is the whole point, after all.  How we attain it cannot always be in comfort 
and security, for the deepest secrets and true insights come when we are 
challenged, pushed to reconsider values and belief systems that no longer serve 
us. Thus...through a myriad of experiences, we learn...and we grow.  


This is God's grace.   We come to this world to learn and to grow.  The 
expression, "the gift of life" refers not to just the breath of life, but to 
the succession of circumstances in which we find ourselves, each offering it's 
own powerful opportunity to reveal our character and our understanding.  


The unfolding of life's circumstances is unique to each of us as dictated by 
our own personal karmas (as revealed in our horoscope).  However, there are 
karma's, or life lessons that we share with others who are a part of the global 
community in which we live.  The character of the times at hand dictate certain 
issues that we all must come to terms with, and suggest certain truths from 
which we can all benefit an understanding.


The problems facing all humankind in recent years are encapsulated by the 
trials of Saturn.  I encourage you to re-read my article (click here to be 
directed to the article 
 ) on the subject as it describes in depth my analysis of the general trends of 
the world during this period.  All of us need to be reminded from time to time 
as to why there is so much challenge during these days, and why so many people 
must suffer. 


It is a time of enormous upheaval; this upheaval is facilitating a momentous 
shift throughout the world.  


Saturn is the host of these changes, which is wrecking havoc everywhere.  But 
when the purpose of Saturn is understood and embraced, it can ease the 
suffering.  Certain challenges will be there, this we cannot alter.  Only our 
greater understanding can help us face our challenges with fortitude and with 
faith in the higher purpose.  


Understanding that penetrates deep within us yields wisdom.  It is different 
than superficial, intellectual understanding that does not bring real wisdom 
because the knowing has not yet become truly a part of us.  There is no 
substitute for life experience which brings knowing to the farthest reaches of 
our being.  This process we call the blessing of being challenged.  It allows 
us to know and to demonstrate what we are.


Please look to my forecast for the year ahead which I will be sending next 
week, (week of April 11).


Warm regards and best to you all,



Chakrapani Ullal

402 N. Windsor Blvd.

Los Angeles, California 90004





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