Rick, I appreciate this and also the earlier post of a quote from MMY about 
facing challenges.  I feel overwhelmed recently with all the bad news in the 
news. I now stay away from reading the front pages of the newspaper or watching 
much news on TV - it is just so really sad and heavy.  On top of it all, global 
warming is happening I worry there will be pandemonium when people "get it."

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@...> wrote:
> On Mon, 4/4/11, Chakrapani Ullal <chakrapani@...> wrote:
> From: Chakrapani Ullal <chakrapani@...>
> Subject: Chakrapani's Additional Thoughts About the New Year
> To: carubio52@...
> Date: Monday, April 4, 2011, 12:19 PM
> Having trouble viewing this email? Click here  
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> In answer to your questions, the following are some thoughts about the Vedic 
> New Year, 2011...
>     <http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs084/1102643128647/img/39.jpg>  
> As you may know, the Vedic New Year begins on the first day of spring when 
> the Moon and the Sun are together, (of equal degrees) in Pisces, the 
> particular day varying from year to year. This year that day is April 4, New 
> Year's Day, or Shukla Paksha Pratipada.  Shukla Paksha Pratipada, or a few 
> days thereafter is considered the most auspicious time to commence new 
> projects or undertakings. Any new venture will be in harmony with the flow of 
> nature and will benefit from the enormous thrust of energy accompanying the 
> start of a new year.  It is also a wonderful time to "clean house", literally 
> and figuratively.
> Dating back to antiquity, each New Year has been assigned a Sanskrit name to 
> describe the over-riding theme or purpose of the year.  The Vedic calendar 
> year, March 2011 to March 2012 is called Khara, which, roughly translated 
> means "unpalatable".  This suggests a challenging year ahead, (and also one 
> of enormous opportunities for growth).  Real progress always comes through 
> change, which can often be a bitter pill to take.
> My best wishes to you all...when enjoying times of relative ease, as well as 
> when facing difficulty and hardship.  In truth, even though we all have some 
> resistance to the difficult times, the greatest blessings in life are the 
> challenges, which bring us the opportunity to grow.  Despite our differences, 
> we are all on the same path of growth aimed towards ever-greater perfection.  
> However that path may twist and turn, we know it is for our greater good and 
> our growing wisdom of life.  That wisdom, that understanding of one's purpose 
> is the whole point, after all.  How we attain it cannot always be in comfort 
> and security, for the deepest secrets and true insights come when we are 
> challenged, pushed to reconsider values and belief systems that no longer 
> serve us. Thus...through a myriad of experiences, we learn...and we grow.  
> This is God's grace.   We come to this world to learn and to grow.  The 
> expression, "the gift of life" refers not to just the breath of life, but to 
> the succession of circumstances in which we find ourselves, each offering 
> it's own powerful opportunity to reveal our character and our understanding.  
> The unfolding of life's circumstances is unique to each of us as dictated by 
> our own personal karmas (as revealed in our horoscope).  However, there are 
> karma's, or life lessons that we share with others who are a part of the 
> global community in which we live.  The character of the times at hand 
> dictate certain issues that we all must come to terms with, and suggest 
> certain truths from which we can all benefit an understanding.
> The problems facing all humankind in recent years are encapsulated by the 
> trials of Saturn.  I encourage you to re-read my article (click here to be 
> directed to the article 
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hk9nk6cab&et=1105049496214&s=6995&e=001PhrGWqCU_O-eiFoxVNkhdhvzjkZBVLyZr1z6OEEqOiq6nZ9vV95AXuqzHAjLP_y1XoN7OhUqDLk6WcPYFPJwTDjkBaS58QtbIpOwN-evvEyMuipdGU7wz3s-tcm4mIqtENF-1od4f9qujlCWaD5vlBgA68MZNTzh>
>  ) on the subject as it describes in depth my analysis of the general trends 
> of the world during this period.  All of us need to be reminded from time to 
> time as to why there is so much challenge during these days, and why so many 
> people must suffer. 
> It is a time of enormous upheaval; this upheaval is facilitating a momentous 
> shift throughout the world.  
> Saturn is the host of these changes, which is wrecking havoc everywhere.  But 
> when the purpose of Saturn is understood and embraced, it can ease the 
> suffering.  Certain challenges will be there, this we cannot alter.  Only our 
> greater understanding can help us face our challenges with fortitude and with 
> faith in the higher purpose.  
> Understanding that penetrates deep within us yields wisdom.  It is different 
> than superficial, intellectual understanding that does not bring real wisdom 
> because the knowing has not yet become truly a part of us.  There is no 
> substitute for life experience which brings knowing to the farthest reaches 
> of our being.  This process we call the blessing of being challenged.  It 
> allows us to know and to demonstrate what we are.
> Please look to my forecast for the year ahead which I will be sending next 
> week, (week of April 11).
> Warm regards and best to you all,
> Chakrapani
> Chakrapani Ullal
> 402 N. Windsor Blvd.
> Los Angeles, California 90004
> 323.962.9911
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