I couldn't get into those conventional awards for this group. I had to make up some new categories to fit. 
Most specious logic:
Most Useless Replies:
Most Heinous Villian:
Most Esoteric:
Most judgemental: (Stress mental)
Most lost in the ozone:
Most Kind:
Most Unusual:
Most like passing gas:
Most waste of time to read:
Most Argumentative for the sake of argument:
Most stick fingers in ears screaming lalalalalalalalalalal because of:
Most Boring:
Most Inspiring:
Most Fun to make fun of:
Least fun to make fun of:
Most Polite (so far):
Most dualistic and confused specious little dimwit:
Biggest TMO Sucker of all time:
Most living in denial:
Least likely to be able to cross traffic:
Most fun in bed (I mean the person you wake up quickly to read):

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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