I'm not putting you on about this.  It's just the strangest
phenomenon in the world, but it happens.  And far more
often than you might think,

-----You mean the atraction between a man and a woman is strange even when it's between a teacher and student? I don't find that strange at all really. I therefore have chosen the path of the Ngakpa who is basically the Buddhist tantric householder. At least there can be no sexual scandals amongst ngakpa, unless of course the teacher is just fucking everybody.
I mean, consider being a teacher.  You're sitting on a platform for long hours and the blood is pooling in your loins.  Your ass feels flat and you're craving a good set of asanas. Thank God the meeting is over and you leave. But then half way back to your floor...
The acolytes have gone and the wife of your assistant is clearing the flowers and tidying up. You go back to the room to get your spare dhoti that you left on the back table. It's your favorite bacause it doesn't bind up when you sit on it and pull your shoulders and hair.
The wife sees you and does a bow and namaste and looks up at you with startling green eyes and the most intense blue black hair you've ever seen and you can smell the freshness of it. Hmmmm, what is that? It smells like fresh Nag Champa blossoms.
She also has lips that are as plush as a new feather pillow and she says, "Can I do anything for you...Master?"  You are about to run out of the room but think that would be rude so you say, "No thanks." And she frowns.
And all of a sudden you feel sorry for her, and sort of love her and have a hardon under your cloak.  You want to tear away but to do so is somehow harder than you could imagine because all you have waiting for you back in your room high is an open window and those sterile Alps jutting high into the clouds, and a hard matress and thin silk sheets and a copy of the manu Smriti, and it all somehow now just seems so empty.
Then you realize it would be so full if she was naked on that bed, giving that ripe fruit of a mouth to you to drink from, giving her vagina like a clasp for your hook, and you think that unless you pursue this all your future days and night will be misery. In fact, due to the very nature of your normally empty mind now she has assumed some cosmic importance that you just cannot overcome. You know it must be the will of Mother Divine. You never even consider that George, her husband is your most devoted servant, who loves you and will do anything for you.
Meanwhile she's thinking, "George loves this man and will do anything for him. He sort of smells like rancid sesame oil but look at those deep and mesmerizing eyes. It seems like he can read my very soul. I've never been stripped so naked before, having sex would just be like so natural after the way he undressed my mind like this." George retreats to some mental background hum and the Masters eyes and voice, the way he says, "hummg" it all sort of tears you apart...
You go back to his room and get naked. He digs into your crotch with his kneeding little fingers and pastes his mouth to your neck but wont kiss your mouth. You feel like you must have bad breath maybe? It must be the ginger tofu, it always makes you have to brush your teeth.  And as you're thinking of your bad breath he gets his cock in you and then it's over as fast as it began and he asks you to leave.
Not hard for me to imagine at all....

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