
The correlation/conjoining (of seer and seen) is the reason for the
apprehension of the own-form of the power of the owner and the owned.  -
from the works of George Firestone

My gripe is about the theosophistry of his commentaries on most of the
sutra-s. I also find his translations overly effusive.

Read the commentary of Shankara.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill" emptybill@ wrote:
> >
> > Petty Theosophistry posturing as insight.
> > Saying "Taimini" says it all.
> II 23
> sva-svaami-shaktyoH svaruupopalabdhi-hetuH saMyogaH.
> Taimni's translation:
> "The purpose of the coming together of the /puruSa/ and /prakRti/
> is gaining by the /puruSa/ of the awareness of his true nature
> and the unfoldment of powers inherent in him and /prakRti/."
> I admit that might be at least slightly erroneous translation.
> So, pray tell, what is the correct translation...

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