Are you sure you didn't mean "face transition

--- In, merudanda <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Happy Easter to you, too.Old "horse whisperer"
> "In order to establish order, disorder has to be shaken; and for  
> shaking to remain under control, we who are at the basis, at the level
> of   Para, have to be Para—that is, unreachable by the surface
> turmoil. In that   integrated state, the fast moving chaos and change
> will pass away in a steady   manner. So we have to be very steady. We
> have to be very careful not to get   upset by little or big things. If
> we lose our basis, our dignity, the phase   transition will take much
> longer. Don't give importance to things which may   upset us.
> This is a very precious time for the world. Everything depends on how  
> our awareness is; just don't let it be shaken. Our awareness is the
> basis of   all these transformations. More than ever before, time
> demands we remain   completely ourselves. It is a very tender, delicate
> time for us—we should   not become angry, indifferent, or sad; we
> should just be like an ocean. The   evolutionary power is waking up. We
> shake it, then leave it; then after some   time shake it again. Each
> time a new level of purity, awakening is   added." Maharishi 1992
> Silence shared is Friendship.
> Silence seen is Infinity.
> Silence heard is Adoration.
> Silence expressed is Beauty.
> Silence maintained is   Strength.
> Silence omitted is Suffering.
> Silence allowed is Rest.
> Silence recorded is Scripture.
> Silence preserved is Our   Tradition.
> Silence given is Initiating.
> Silence   received is Joy.
> Silence perceived is   Knowledge.
> Silence stabilized is   Fulfilment.
> Silence alone is."

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