This is one of the most heartfelt, direct and moving accounts. Thank you.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@...> wrote:
> Cosmic consciousness arrived, softly and unexpectedly, as I exited the Dome
> one morning in November 2008. I was 64 years old. I had been doing
> Transcendental Meditation since 1973 and the TM-Sidhi Program since 1978.
> How did I know cosmic consciousness had come? All I can say is it was clear
> that pure consciousness (pure "being") was with me as I exited the Dome. It
> was clear that soft transcendence, that feeling of unboundedness I had
> become accustomed to in meditation all those years ... was now with me in
> activity. Everything was different © yet the same. This new element was with
> me as if dogging my footsteps--this new soft sweetness, this new purity,
> this new feeling of lightness, this new utter clarity.
> As with most of us, I had a career to manage during all those years, and a
> family, with children, to support. But I made time for my program twice a
> day no matter what, even if it meant, as it often did, meditating in a bus,
> an airplane, a library or even more unlikely locations.
> It never occurred to me to stop meditating, or even miss a meditation. I
> knew before my intro lecture was half over, that I would do this TM thing,
> and would never stop.
> Over the years, I waited expectantly and patiently for "cosmic
> consciousness" to arrive. Always feeling it must be just around the corner.
> As decades of practice elapsed and I grew older, I began to abandon any
> notion that I would reach cosmic consciousness in this life. I never stopped
> believing it was a reality, nor that Maharishi's TM and TM-Sidhi program
> could lead one there. I just stopped believing that it was going to happen
> to me.
> While I usually enjoyed my programs, there was never anything "flashy" going
> on. As years passed, it even seemed that the multitude of changes I had
> noticed in myself when I first began meditating ... had dwindled
> significantly or even disappeared. I felt like I was on a plateau. Like I
> was walking in place.
> My general attitude was, "OK, it's not going to happen in this life. But I
> know TM is a good thing. I've always known that, from my very first
> meditation. So, I'll just keep doing it because I should go as far as I can
> in this life. Who knows © maybe next time around ..."
> So, when cosmic consciousness tiptoed up to me that November day, just after
> I turned 64, I was absolutely astounded and delighted. It seemed so
> delicate, fragile, almost shy. I did not expect it to last. As days and
> weeks went by, the experience not only endured but grew in strength. I
> finally came to accept without any doubt -- it was here to stay.  With that,
> I began to relax into it and just let it be what it was...without any
> expectations or preconceived notions.
> I was as surprised as anyone that such a thing could happen to me. As far as
> I or anyone could tell from my life, I was as unlikely and undeserving a
> candidate for this as anyone I could think of. Even after years of
> meditating I still had flaws you could drive a truck through. I was nowhere
> near as well studied in the Vedic literature as so many around me. One might
> call my daily routine marginally ayurvedic, I suppose. But even that would
> be a stretch. Given all my responsibilities, I figured I was doing the best
> I could.
> Yet here IT was and IT was undeniable. I thought perhaps it was one of those
> 1% chances of a cosmic mistake I heard Maharishi talk about once. And for
> quite a while was sure that as soon as the mistake was discovered by the
> Cosmic computer, it would be rectified.
> Two and half years later, to my increasing delight, the experience of cosmic
> consciousness has matured into something even grander. Being shines at me
> from all things and all people. My own Self is everywhere, in everything and
> everyone. The burdens, troubles and vicissitudes of life seem all but gone
> or, at least, drastically mitigated. In their place, is a lightness,
> delight, sweetness and ease ... that is absolutely indescribable.
> Believe me, I know this is no accomplishment of mine. Any kudos for this are
> due to Maharishi and Guru Dev alone. This is not false modesty. This is the
> truth.
> The only thing I ever did was to follow the simple (thank goodness)
> instructions Maharishi gave for the practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi program.
> Really, that's all I ever did. That it resulted in this experience for me
> ... is as miraculous as anything I can think of. Yet it's utterly real,
> utterly simple, and utterly available to all. That I know for certain.
> If my life serves no other purpose, it is to demonstrate that, if this can
> happen to someone like me, it can happen to anyone. It can happen to
> everyone. That it did happen to me ... reveals the immensity of Maharishi's
> knowledge and remarkable power of his techniques--and of course the
> unfathomable silence, bliss, and sanctity of our beloved Guru Dev.
> Jai Guru Dev

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