From: []
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 2:33 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Example of Cosmic Consciousness



--- In
<> , "wayback71" <wayback71@...>
> Rick
> This is one of the most heartfelt, direct and moving accounts. Thank you.

Agreed. An posted by none other than one of the foremost TMO-bashers of the
century. Something good must be happening :-)

In addition to what you write I was struck by the simplicity in describing
his state of consciousness. Very beautiful.

The guy is a good friend of mine. I know his experience is genuine. It's the
true believers who bash him. He wrote to me yesterday when I encouraged him
to do a BatGap interview:

"As for hiding my light under a bushel, what has become obvious to me is
that to speak this out in any public way is to invite criticism, ridicule,
and skepticism. I actually overheard another course participant quip while
reading my original description, "sounds like a bunch of hippy drivel to
me". Not really the response one hopes to achieve, is it?"

I have never bashed the TMO. I only shine a light on hypocrisy. There's
plenty of good in the TMO, and I'm quick to point that out. IOW, I don't
have a lop-sided agenda like you do Nabby. I'm able to embrace paradoxical
viewpoints and information. 


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