> > Well, it looks like Obama wants to return 
> > to the 1949 border lines.
> >
> No, it doesn't look like that at all.
yes, it looks like it - but the starting point
for Hamas is that Israel does not exist, so that
would make 1949 the starting point. Get some
smarts, Judy. Until the Jordanian and Egyptian 
refugees in the West Bank and in the Gaza strip 
recognize the state of Israel, there is going 
to be no 'starting point' for peace in Israel. 

"Mr. Netanyahu told Mr. Obama, in front of the 
media in the Oval Office on Friday, that the 
president's call for peace talks based on Israel's 
borders before it gained new territory in 1967, 
with negotiated land swaps, was a nonstarter..."

Wall Street Journal:

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