I just enjoy tossing your insults right back at 'cha, Bozotronic Barry. I guess 
you enjoy being insulted. Karma's a bitch. :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill" <emptybill@> wrote:
> >
> > In reality there is no truth.
> > 
> > There is no truth in reality.
> > There is no reality that can be true.
> > There is only opinion.
> > 
> > All opinions are equal in value.
> > You are a troll. Vaj is a troll.
> > 
> > You support each other in trollness.
> > 
> > You opinions don't matter here.
> > 
> > Your opinions don't matter at all.
> > 
> > No one here really cares what you think.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Welcome to the reality of FFL.
> > …………………………………………
> The "reality of FFL" is that since the beginning of
> this posting week, five posters (Judy, Jim, Willytex, 
> Nabby, and Ravi) have made 62 posts either insulting 
> me, trying to "refute" something I said, or otherwise 
> putting me down.
> What part of that fits into "No one here really 
> cares what you think?" 
> Seems to me that these people -- two of whom claim
> to be enlightened -- care VERY MUCH what I think,
> enough to spend this much time replying to it.
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Following is an interesting post to SeriousSeekers.com
> > > > >
> > > > > "Fellow Graceful, Light Filled Seekers,
> > > > >
> > > > > I think I may have found IT -- the fastest evolutionary,
> > > > > spiritual unfolding technique on the planet.  As we all
> > > > > know, awakening and spiritual unfoldment appears once
> > > > > the soul has roasted, purified or unwound the densely
> > > > > and deeply packed intertwined samskaras built up after
> > > > > almost infinite births. And then theres the collective
> > > > > karma stuff too. As we have all experienced, when this
> > > > > stuff is roasted, it may pop like popcorn for a while:
> > > > > very unstable, chaotic, random, not following any sense
> > > > > of order or rationality, way overheated, etc. Or we can
> > > > > think of it as unwinding of deep multi-dimensional knots.
> > > > > When doing so, lots of mess all over the floor and the
> > > > > knots unwind.
> > > > >
> > > > > The faster the evolutionary and spiritual unfoldment process,
> > > > > the hotter, more random and irrational is the corn popping,
> > > > > the messier and sloppy the floor becomes with all the
> > > > > unwinding. ERGO, the fastest technique must also produce the
> > > > > messiest, most heated, irrational, sloppy, unstable, chaotic
> > > > > side effects. Well my friends, I have been lurking at a site
> > > > > called FFL whose posters have a long history with TM. And I
> > > > > have to say, I have never, ever, its not even close, seen a
> > > > > group of seekers so messed up, twisted, overheated, irrational,
> > > > > petty, sloppy and unstable as these guys. Even those who have
> > > > > not practiced TM for decades -- they too are bat shit crazy.
> > > > > Thus the effects of TM appear not only profoundly powerful,
> > > > > but also long lasting. the heavy purifiction and its side
> > > > > effects last long after the practice is stopped.
> > > > >
> > > > > It appears from the longevity of their postings, some 10
> > > > > years, some 20 years back to older forums. Sp it appears
> > > > > that it may take 6-12 lifetimes of this incredibly distasteful,
> > > > > in your face anger, hostility, random, chaotic, sloppy behavior
> > > > > to roast all the samskaras and unwind all of the knots. But
> > > > > certainly this HELL for a dozen lifetimes is worth the eternal
> > > > > grace of full unfoldment.
> > > > >
> > > > > So I signed up. I am now practicing TM twice a day and ALREADY
> > > > > the purification process has begun. So F* you your f*u*ing lame
> > > > > assholes, join me on the awesome adventure -- it you are not
> > > > > too fing SUUPID and dense to get my beautifully laid out points.
> > > > > So STFU and lets finally get serious about full spiritual
> > > > > unfoldment -- or simply continue with your decaying head up
> > > > > your smelly ass.  Your choice.
> > > >
> > > > Some reply comments to this post at SeriousSeekeers.com
> > > >
> > > > #1 "I checked out FFL as you suggested. Wow, I never knew what
> > > > Ekhart Tolle meant by "pain body" until now. These folks are
> > > > in serious internal pain. its almost too painful to watch."
> > > >
> > > > #2 "Are these people of 24/7 medical watch? I sure hope so.
> > > > For their sakes and those that ma be around them. These are
> > > > walking time bombs. Are they all ex postal employees?"
> > > >
> > > > #3 " I heard at the end of their intro course they are given
> > > > syringes filled with Thorazin to ease the symptoms. Some get
> > > > a 24 hour patch I hear -- they are so bonkers"
> > > >
> > > > #4 "Are these people functional at all? Who feeds and clothes
> > > > them? And takes them to the bathroom (jeez I don't even want
> > > > to begin to think about what their bathrooms must look an
> > > > smell like). maybe we should form a Seva project to help
> > > > these souls out a bit. Give them a little bit of joy and help
> > > > put a smile on their face. For some, its probably been decades."
> > >
> > > Funny stuff, Tart. I particularly liked "Are they all
> > > ex postal employees?" because the most rational and
> > > restrained person on the forum these days *is* an ex
> > > US Postal Service employee.  :-)
> > >
> > > We never hear from lurkers. Duh. That's why they're
> > > called lurkers. But what must they THINK of this zoo?
> > >
> > > I mean, we're all used to it. Whether we're still part
> > > of the TM organization or not, if we were at one point
> > > (as opposed to those here who never were, and just
> > > gazed at it from the periphery, never got involved,
> > > and lived on their fantasies of what it was like), we
> > > have seen this kinda crazy so long and so often that
> > > we've almost come to ignore it as "normal."
> > >
> > > It isn't. It's crazy.
> > >
> > > People arguing who's right and who's wrong about stuff
> > > that can never be proven either, because it's all just
> > > opinion. People spending well over half of their posts
> > > each week trying to "get" the people they don't like.
> > > And that's leaving out the couple of people who claim
> > > to be fuckin' ENLIGHTENED, ferchrissakes, and then get
> > > their buttons pushed so easily that they spend dozens
> > > of posts acting out pre-adolescent revenge fantasies.
> > >
> > > Place is a fuckin' ZOO.
> > >
> >

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