--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Following is an interesting post to SeriousSeekers.com
> > 
> > "Fellow Graceful, Light Filled Seekers,
> > 
> > I think I may have found IT -- the fastest evolutionary, 
> > spiritual unfolding technique on the planet.  As we all 
> > know, awakening and spiritual unfoldment appears once 
> > the soul has roasted, purified or unwound the densely 
> > and deeply packed intertwined samskaras built up after 
> > almost infinite births. And then theres the collective 
> > karma stuff too. As we have all experienced, when this 
> > stuff is roasted, it may pop like popcorn for a while:  
> > very unstable, chaotic, random, not following any sense 
> > of order or rationality, way overheated, etc. Or we can 
> > think of it as unwinding of deep multi-dimensional knots. 
> > When doing so, lots of mess all over the floor and the 
> > knots unwind. 
> >    
> > The faster the evolutionary and spiritual unfoldment process, 
> > the hotter, more random and irrational is the corn popping, 
> > the messier and sloppy the floor becomes with all the 
> > unwinding. ERGO, the fastest technique must also produce the 
> > messiest, most heated, irrational, sloppy, unstable, chaotic 
> > side effects. Well my friends, I have been lurking at a site 
> > called FFL whose posters have a long history with TM. And I 
> > have to say, I have never, ever, its not even close, seen a 
> > group of seekers so messed up, twisted, overheated, irrational, 
> > petty, sloppy and unstable as these guys. Even those who have 
> > not practiced TM for decades -- they too are bat shit crazy. 
> > Thus the effects of TM appear not only profoundly powerful, 
> > but also long lasting. the heavy purifiction and its side 
> > effects last long after the practice is stopped.
> > 
> > It appears from the longevity of their postings, some 10 
> > years, some 20 years back to older forums. Sp it appears 
> > that it may take 6-12 lifetimes of this incredibly distasteful, 
> > in your face anger, hostility, random, chaotic, sloppy behavior 
> > to roast all the samskaras and unwind all of the knots. But 
> > certainly this HELL for a dozen lifetimes is worth the eternal 
> > grace of full unfoldment. 
> > 
> > So I signed up. I am now practicing TM twice a day and ALREADY 
> > the purification process has begun. So F* you your f*u*ing lame 
> > assholes, join me on the awesome adventure -- it you are not 
> > too fing SUUPID and dense to get my beautifully laid out points. 
> > So STFU and lets finally get serious about full spiritual 
> > unfoldment -- or simply continue with your decaying head up 
> > your smelly ass.  Your choice.
> Some reply comments to this post at SeriousSeekeers.com
> #1 "I checked out FFL as you suggested. Wow, I never knew what 
> Ekhart Tolle meant by "pain body" until now. These folks are 
> in serious internal pain. its almost too painful to watch."
> #2 "Are these people of 24/7 medical watch? I sure hope so. 
> For their sakes and those that ma be around them. These are 
> walking time bombs. Are they all ex postal employees?"
> #3 " I heard at the end of their intro course they are given 
> syringes filled with Thorazin to ease the symptoms. Some get 
> a 24 hour patch I hear -- they are so bonkers"
> #4 "Are these people functional at all? Who feeds and clothes 
> them? And takes them to the bathroom (jeez I don't even want 
> to begin to think about what their bathrooms must look an 
> smell like). maybe we should form a Seva project to help 
> these souls out a bit. Give them a little bit of joy and help 
> put a smile on their face. For some, its probably been decades."

Funny stuff, Tart. I particularly liked "Are they all
ex postal employees?" because the most rational and
restrained person on the forum these days *is* an ex
US Postal Service employee.  :-)

We never hear from lurkers. Duh. That's why they're
called lurkers. But what must they THINK of this zoo?

I mean, we're all used to it. Whether we're still part
of the TM organization or not, if we were at one point
(as opposed to those here who never were, and just 
gazed at it from the periphery, never got involved,
and lived on their fantasies of what it was like), we
have seen this kinda crazy so long and so often that
we've almost come to ignore it as "normal."

It isn't. It's crazy. 

People arguing who's right and who's wrong about stuff
that can never be proven either, because it's all just
opinion. People spending well over half of their posts
each week trying to "get" the people they don't like.
And that's leaving out the couple of people who claim
to be fuckin' ENLIGHTENED, ferchrissakes, and then get
their buttons pushed so easily that they spend dozens
of posts acting out pre-adolescent revenge fantasies.

Place is a fuckin' ZOO.

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