On May 26, 2011, at 1:04 PM, richardnelson108 wrote:

> To clarify, I met with the Supreme Court of Allahabad retired judge who 
> handled Guru Dev's will (not a lawyer). And yes, he was alive and kicking and 
> quite brilliant.  And, oh yes, he remembered all the details quite clearly. 
> This was in 1995.
> The point I was trying to make, and I will repeat myself, is that both he and 
> members of the Shankaracaharya ashram had never heard of any poisoning.  

And the members of the ashram~~if they even 
exist~~were objective observers and would
have been completely forthcoming if they
*had* known of some shenanigans?  Come
on~~better to sweep anything still out under
the carpet rather than open themselves
up for questioning.

> This is not opinion, this is fact.  

It's also India, where people will say 
anything rather than deal with
unpleasantness.  Sounds like
you feel for it hook, line and
stinker.  And now you feel 
people should accord your words
magic powers and not question
anything you say, because you supposedly
spoke to a judge, THE judge in 
this case. Even if true, your opinion
is still worth no more than anyone
else's.  Get over your self.

> I take offense when Vaj repeatedly makes reference to something that never 
> appears to have happened to make his opinion right.
> As I have also said, if he or anyone else has issues with MMY, thats fine 
> with me.  But if he is going to quote supposed events to make his point, then 
> use real events, not something he made up.

Where has he ever quoted anyone?  He's expressing
an *opinion,* just like you.

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