Respectfully, not defensively, in the spirit of clarification, 
what you have said I blieve is precisely what I was getting at in my first book 

Th first bookend  "stake" is a stake of better understanding and FUN (Jeez I 
would hope its apparent that a lot of my posts are whimsical and funning -- the 
"stake" being greater amusement and fun  (hopefully not at the expense of 

"Stake" was spraig's term, and i was trying to find common ground -- and thus I 
defined stake to be comprehensive of my take on posting motivations. 

And of course, like all, I can venture towards the second book end. More so 
perhaps in my posts of 6-8 years ago, while I was still in the midst of 
unwinding and healing the "bentness" from emerging from full commitment to an 
organization with cult like tendencies.

i would hope we all can admit that we are Ideaholics at times, and can get 
addicted to our ideas and the pleasure centers they ring, the extra umph of 
self-identity and meaning in life they provide, the added glow in the soul they 
create. Just like alcohol and drugs increase dopamine and seritonin and give 
alcoholics (or causual drinkers) and pharma users -- addicted or casual -- a 
big rush too. 

The value is to see when that is happening and not indulge it as substantive -- 
let that mind state also pass. 

> > One may want to explore 
> > an idea,not attached to where it leads, happy with any insight 
> > or conclusion that appears stronger, more insightful than from 
> > where the journey began. Their stake is in understanding things 
> > better.  

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, tartbrain <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Aside from a few sociopaths and/or trolls, I suspect that 
> > > you can make the claim that everyone who bothers to post 
> > > on the internet has some stake in what they are talking 
> > > about.
> > 
> > True. Otherwise why take the time to post it. 
> I am going to disagree with both sparaig and tartbrain
> pointing out that their argument
> may be based on the writer's feelings about the writing
> process.
> I write for a living. I am a fast enough typist so that
> there is almost no lag between what I think and it appear-
> ing onscreen as text. So I do it for fun. It's a way of
> concretizing the abstract ideas that flit through my mind,
> to see whether they have any lasting meaning for me other 
> than as Just Another Flit-Thought.
> I write for fun. As Curtis has explained eloquently on this
> forum, I also write to figure things out, for myself. And
> then, having figured them out, I move on, and possibly 
> figure them out a different way tomorrow, and yet another
> way the next day. I have no lingering attachment to any
> of them. 
> I honestly believe that the people who make the claim that
> one cannot write an idea on the Internet without having
> some investment in it, or in wanting to convert others to
> the validity or supremacy of that idea are stating their
> *own* limitations, not mine. Sometimes I really write just
> for the fuck of it, and for the fun of it. 
> If you can't, that's your problem, not mine.
> The rest of tart's post I agree with wholeheartedly, and
> have no comments on because he stated it eloquently and
> succinctly.
> > However "stake" in this context is not limited to "vested" 
> > intellectual or emotional interest. One may want to explore 
> > an idea,not attached to where it leads, happy with any insight 
> > or conclusion that appears stronger, more insightful than from 
> > where the journey began. Their stake is in understanding things 
> > better.  
> > 
> > The other bookend are posters who are strongly, clinically 
> > addicted to their ideas, conclusions and views. Such posters 
> > may even have their self-identity wrapped up in these ideas 
> > and conclusions. Such have a HUGE stake in their posts because 
> > diminishment of their posts translates directly into diminisment 
> > of their souls, self-identities or at least addictive pleasure 
> > sources and drug source.
> > 
> > Most posts fall somewhere in between.

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