The oppressor always find new strategies to oppress and the oppressed
always have new excuses to be oppressed, oh yeah Dolly Lama, MLK and
Gandhi are great success stories..LOL..

--- In, "Ravi Yogi" <raviyogi@...> wrote:
> I like the  modern strategies, create reservations, a sense of false
> independence and freedom, throw in drugs and alcohol, add in Casinos
> watch them self destruct. And still complain like Tom Pall.
> Again no need to discriminate against African-Americans, create
> projects, throw in food stamps, provide guns and drugs and again enjoy
> the fun of watching them self-destruct. And still complain like Tom
> Pall, Yeah MLK was a great success.
> --- In, "emptybill" emptybill@ wrote:
> >
> > There was no owner ship of land.
> > Haven't your studied anything?
> >
> > Most of the tribes inhabited a neolithic world.
> > Some live in corporate housing but most of the
> > plains tribes wandered along following the herds.
> >
> > Not owning land they still competed with and
> > fought with other tribes. When they fought and
> > took prisoners, mostly women, they were cruel
> > in a way we hardly comprehend.
> >
> > We can't steal what they never owned. Ownership
> > was a concept introduced by the Catholics in their
> > attempt to become over-rulers of all things.
> >
> > 30-300-3000-30,000 years were all the  same.
> > They lived in a mythologized universe of animal totems.
> > Perfectly fine in itself but the world had developed otherwise.
> >
> > The Russians were descending from Alaska.
> > The Spanish were ascending from Central America.
> > It was truly an inevitable clash between two worlds
> > and two different universes.
> > No 'branes to hold them apart.
> >
> > You are reaping the undeserving benefit.
> > Therefor you are just a viscous thief.
> >
> > So ask Jesus to cover you in his own precious blood.
> > It's your only hope, since you utterly defiled filth in God's eyes!
> >
> > Read it and weep, blanco.
> >
> >
> > --- In, "WillyTex" willytex@ wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Bhairitu:
> > > > The beasts hate that and have conspired to drive
> > > > people out of their homes so they can buy them for
> > > > pennies on the dollar...
> > > >
> > > So, you've been squatting on the native inhabitants'
> > > land for what, 100 years, and now you think you own
> > > the land that was theirs, and they are the beasts?
> > >
> > > You're not even making any sense - the natives were
> > > here long before you guys from Europe came and took
> > > their land. If you're not interested in the money,
> > > just deed over your house and land to the original
> > > owners or their descendents.
> > >
> >

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