Spot on Jim, it's total rejection of anything positive, post after post,
question after question  and total acceptance of everything negative, no
questions asked. If someone talks positive it's all subjective
experience, opinion, mind control, lacking any benefit to the world,
trying to feel special but if it's negative they turn into authentic,
genuine, credible witnesses.

--- In, "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@...>
> Funny that the anti-Maharishi, anti-TMO, anti-"enlightenmentudeness" 
clique here continuously claims that those who make positive claims
about Maharishi, the TMO and enlightenment are doing so to garner
attention and feel special and elevated above others. The same could
easily be said about those claiming to have had sex with Maharishi.
After all, what would be more special than that? "Look at me, I boinked
Maharishi...". Yeah, look at you, center stage...
> There is also a propensity among this anti-everything-Maharishi crowd
to question any experience had in the presence of Maharishi. Why not
seriously question these claims of sex? After all, this could be some
kind of fantasy fulfillment for the women involved, after rounding for
years and becoming progressively more and more unstable (as we are
always told by the TM detractors here regarding the results of TM and
TMSP). It sounds like confirmation bias to me.
> Regardless of our opinions, there is zero evidence of Maharishi 
having had sex with anyone. Lots of hearsay, accusations, rumors and
beliefs- an airtight case within airtight minds- however the only things
missing are *facts* and *evidence*.
> Seems that going after this sacred cow of MMY having sex isn't in the
best interests of those with an agenda against Maharishi, doesn't
support their story, their version of reality that they cling to so

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