The degree of evidence imo doesn't rise to the level of a criminal conviction; 
(unanimous agreement among jurors); but rather a "preponderance" of evidence as 
in civil cases. (or the ancient Roman system which had a mere majority for 
"guilty"). I'd say guilty, 95% but why bring this up again and again. It's 
about as water under the bridge as "Weiner-gate". and no longer of much 
interest. imo.

--- In, "WillyTex" <willytex@...> wrote:
> > > I'm not planning to buy it either Rick, so no 
> > > need for trying to be sarcastic again.
> > >
> Rick Archer:
> > I'll give you a free copy if you'll promise to 
> > read it, cover to cover.
> >
> On what page does Judith say that she had sexual 
> intercourse with the Maharishi? 
> Maybe she just fantasized that a "hug" was an 
> embrace. The point I'm trying to make is, why didn't 
> she just come out and say I screwed the Maharishi 
> on his antelope skin under a photo of the Guru Dev? 
> We don't really know what happened between the two 
> of them do we, based on what she wrote in the book?

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