On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 3:46 PM, maskedzebra <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>wrote:

> RESPONSE: If you don't mind, Tom, I will send you my proposed posts—before
> posting them. You can winnow them down into the limned prose and syntax that
> will insure that they have the optimal effect (on all these oh so
> subservient readers).
> Deal?
No deal.  The three witches rule over decorum here.  Also over what is
correctly liberal.  Two of them did their part during the last presidential
elections as our very own resident feminazis.  One acts as our own Miss
Manners and editor in chief.  She's so proficient at it that she even
changes the subject line on threads once they veer far away from where they
started.   This despite her being stalked here and before this on Usenet by
an out and out fibber.  This fibber actually threatened that she might
spontaneously combust, something the lady took quite seriously.  Indeed, she
took it as a death threat.   Send your posts to our resident editor and
bibliographer at jst...@panix.com .   You'll see Judy posting here for a few
days a week.  You see, we have a 50 post a week limit here and she posts out
defending herself and TM from the fibber in just a day or two.

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