Thanks Bob for humorous musings, welcome and apologies. Trust me no
offense taken, what you say makes sense since I sat on your message for
a while and didn't even feel like responding anything. Surely I'm the
first one to deserve these cheapshots since I constantly indulge in it
as well though I'm pretty shameless.
--- In, Bob Price <bobpriced@...> wrote:
> Ravi,
> I was wondering when you would get around to me. Actually I was hoping
> missed it because I've been feeling a bit ashamed of myself. The
Golden Rule is
> about all I have left and I completely blew it with what can only be
viewed as a
>  cheap shot. Sorry for that, sincerely, and thank you for not
forgetting me. Oh
> and I almost forgot. Thank you for figuring out my real name. Bobby,
as in up
> and down. I'm guessing that you've probably considered the possibility
that MZ
> and I could be the same poster. Although if we head down that road
possibly MZ
> is an invention of Turq, which he may have done out of shear boredom.
> there a vedic creation myth that says thats what all the creation is?
The big
> guy got bored? Well one thing we know for sure is that I can't write
nearly as
> well as those other two manifestations, or at least punctuate. Anyway
I love you
> man and I'm glad you're here both on the post and in this crazy old
creation of
> MZ's. Om Shanti bro.

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