Barry has thoughtfully provided a demonstration of
the lack of authenticity I mentioned in a recent post
to Xeno:

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> You're still missing the point in your last sentence.
> I'm really not trying to "get across points," in
> the sense that I'm selling them or trying to convince 
> others to buy into them. 

Says Barry, trying to sell to Xeno the idea that he's
not trying to sell anything. I *guarantee* Barry is
completely oblivious to the irony.

> You're missing the point again. Please point out to
> me a post in which I have *argued* about something, as
> if I were trying to convince the other person to believe
> what I'm saying. I don't think you'll have a lot of luck
> finding such posts.

This is a good example:

I could dig up literally hundreds of such posts. (The
fun part is how often they're ridiculously off-base,
as this one is.)

Perhaps Barry assumes that since Xeno is new here and
not aware of Barry's history, he won't have any trouble
pulling the wool over Xeno's eyes. Those of us who've
been around FFL for a while are shaking our heads and
rolling our eyes.

> Pay attention. LOTs of people take potshots at me. I 
> mainly allow them to, without commentary. Admittedly,
> many of the potshots I never even see because I gave
> up on reading the posters' stuff years ago, like with
> Willytex. But even if I notice I try not to get into
> a battle over it. They're welcome to their opinion, 
> and I feel no need to either acknowledge it or try
> to dispute it. It's OPINION.

Anyone who follows Barry's posts is having a hard
time stifling their laughter, thinking of all his
"cafe rants" that involve denouncing those who take
potshots at him and attempting to defend himself
against them.

And it's not just the cafe rants. See, for example:

A typical feature of such posts from Barry is that
they're based on knowing falsehoods, as with the post
I cited.

> If you pay more attention, I think you'll find that
> there are some on this forum who seem to be trying
> rather *desperately* to get the people they obsess
> over to react.

No, this is Barry's self-serving fantasy. And it's
one more example of his lack of self-knowledge, given
that he seems to have forgotten how often he boasts
of his attempts to get the people *he* obsesses over
to react.

> If there are no reactions they often
> come up with an imaginary reaction that exists only
> in their heads.

The fantasy above is an imaginary reaction that exists
only in *Barry's* head. His fantasy life is his reality.

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